Watchtower and Freemasonry

by mizpah2 79 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • JWB


    General Information
    The Freemason 'religion' focuses attention on the Temple of Solomon, its layout (including the two pillars 'Jachin' and 'Boaz') and the legend of Hiram Abif (identified as King Hiram of Tyre). Here are some relevant quotes:

    "And he proceeded to set up the pillars belonging to the porch of the temple. So he set up the right-hand pillar and called its name Jachin, and then set up the left-hand pillar and called its name Boaz. And upon the top of the pillars there was lily work. And the work of the pillars was gradually completed." - 1 Kings 7:21-22 (NWT)

    "Solomon conscripts laborers for the work of building the house of Jehovah, and King Hiram of Tyre cooperates by sending timbers and a gifted workman. 'In the fourth year of [Solomon’s] reign,' the building gets under way, and it is completed seven and a half years later, in 1027 B.C.E. (3:2) The temple itself is fronted by a large porch that towers 120 cubits (175 ft) [53.4 m] high. Two immense copper pillars, one named Jachin, meaning 'May [Jehovah] Firmly Establish,' and the other named Boaz, apparently meaning 'In Strength,' stand in front of the porch. (3:17) The house itself is comparatively small, being 60 cubits (87.5 ft) [26.7 m] long, 30 cubits (43.7 ft) [13.4 m] high, and 20 cubits (29.2 ft) [8.9 m] broad, but its walls and ceiling are overlaid with gold; its innermost room, the Most Holy, is itself elaborately decorated with gold. It also contains the two golden cherubs, one on each side of the room, whose wings stretch across and meet in the center." - All Scripture Inspired of God, page 80, paragraph 8 ("Bible Book Number 14-2 Chronicles")


    Make what you will of the following observations concerning just two terms used in freemasonry. It is provided simply for educational purposes.

    I know that enquiries have been made concerning the possibility of CTR being a PENNSYLVANIAN freemason, with the result that there appears to be no evidence in support of that theory. However, he could easily have belonged to another lodge. One theory I've come across is that a record of freemason membership may reside in Ireland. Of course this is speculation. As far as Charles Taze Russell (CTR) being a freemason is concerned, I personally have not been satisfied with any supposed evidence for it, although I do think he was more than familiar with its teachings.

    "Grand Master"
    (The NWT of Hosea, Zephaniah and Hosea was probably in preparation sometime during the years 1959-1960.)

    "Ephraim caused offense to bitterness, and his deeds of bloodshed he leaves upon his own self, and his reproach *his grand master will repay to him." - Hosea 12:14 (NWT); *'DNYW (Hebrew) = 'lord of him' (same vowel pointing as that in Malachi 1:6).

    "And I will give attention to everyone that is climbing upon the platform in that day, those who are filling the house of *their masters with violence and deception." - Zephaniah 1:9 (NWT); *'DNYHM (Hebrew) = 'lord of them'. NWT footnote reads "or, 'their grand master'".

    "'A son, for his part, honors a father; and a servant, his grand master. So if I am a father, where is the honor to me? And if I am a grand master, where is the fear of me?’ Jehovah of armies has said to you, O priests who are despising my name." - Malachi 1:6 (NWT) - *'DNYW (Hebrew) = 'lord of him' (same vowel pointing as that in Hosea 12:14); **'DWNYM (Hebrew) = 'lords'.


    "Believe it, Satan is no mere figure of speech, no allegory. He is a person. He is the grand master of liars. He is the original murderer. (John 8:44) He is joined by other rebel spirits, demons. They constitute 'the world rulers of this darkness,' 'the wicked spirit forces in the heavenly places.'--Ephesians 6:12." - Awake! 22 Sep 1982, pages 8-9 ("What Can Be Done to Save the Earth?")

    "Great Architect Of The Universe"

    "I tried to find the truth in various religious organizations but can now see that they did not have it. Then I became a member of Freemasonry in the belief that thereby I could fill the need of every human to worship a Supreme Being that some call the Great Architect of the Universe. The Bible identifies him as Jehovah in Psalm 83:18 and also at Isaiah 42:8, which says, 'I am Jehovah. That is my name; and to no one else shall I give my own glory, neither my praise to graven images.'" - 1971 Yearbook of JWs, pages 114-115 ("Country Reports")

    "Despite the opinion of such men, God's own Word says that the design was received under inspiration by Moses from the great Architect of the universe, Jehovah God himself. (Ex. 25:9) Christ Jesus accepted this statement. More than five centuries after the exile, and therefore after the account is supposed to have been tampered with, Jesus had these same Scriptures in the form we now know them today and he said in his prayer to Jehovah, 'Your word is truth.' (John 17:17, NW) True Christians, then, can rely with confidence on the description of the tabernacle as it has been preserved for us." - Watch. 15 Nov 1956, page 685 ("Israel's Wonderful Way in Worship")

    "As we gaze upon the eye-catching productions of the architects of the present and the past, we do well to dismiss from mind the petty vanity of men. Consider, rather, how marvelously the Great Architect of the universe implanted in men so great a variety of capabilities! It is not a case of simply piling stone on stone. No, there are other considerations—beauty, symmetry, that perfection of balance that must appear in the completed structure." - Awake! 22 May 1970, pages 21-22 ("Eye-catching Architecture--Ancient and Modern")

    "That scientists can actually explore other planets hundreds of millions of miles away shows what can be done when people work together toward a single goal. Such achievements are also a credit to human ingenuity. Of course, space exploration--indeed, science as a whole--is only possible because of the consistent and totally reliable physical laws that govern the universe. These laws did not create themselves but were established by the Grand Architect of the universe, Jehovah God." - Awake! 9 Feb 2009, page 16 ("Mars Up Close")

  • smiddy


    You have a pm


  • Elephant

    tornapart -

    You might find this interesting Elephant. The website owner is 'for' Russell (think he comes on JWN too). Read the discourse and make your own mind up. For me there are more questions than answers.

    ...a very interesting discourse to say the, if you read this with the strictest of assumptions regarding the symbolism, allegories, personal understanding, etc., etc... you could very easily miss the point of Russell's discourse...

    ...which in the end he made very plain and easy to comprehend...he considered himself to be a brother of Christ...

    ...why would this be a source of confusion?....unless you don't fully comprehend the 'symbols' and 'terms' he alludes to...that would be OUR deficiency, would it not?

  • mizpah2


    Journal : "The National Labor Tribune" - Article : "Pastor Russell's Sermon" (I.B.S.A.)

    Cross and Crown Pins : Manufactured and Sold by Heeren Bros. & Company, Penn ave. & Eighth St. - Pittsburg, Pa.

    Nota : "Cross and Crown" - Logo I.B.S.A.

    Source : Ebay

    Knights Templar : Since at least the 18th century Freemasonry has incorporated Templar symbols and rituals in a number of Masonic bodies.

    Source : Ebay

  • mizpah2


    Badge I.B.S.A. (Source : Ebay)

    Badge I.B.S.A. (Source : Ebay)

    Badge : I.O.O.F. (Independent Order of Odd fellows) - Source : Ebay

  • tornapart
  • Elephant


    you could argue that ANY religion calling itself christian has similar 'origins'... fact, all these examples of comparison only help to enhance Russell's argument in his favor...

    ...but first you must understand the origins of all this symbolism...

  • mizpah2


    Traduction en Français : "Amis de la vérité"

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    There is only ONE religion which uses the terms "NEW WORLD ORDER" and "THE SOCIETY" along with the winged disc .and the use of a pyrimd to come up with a faullty date of importance. WTS. Those were terms I constantly heard in my household as a child.

    The WTS rules with an iron fist more ruthless then the Christ himself. WTS is the Anit Christ incarnate.

    Christ teaching was striaght forward and simple.....the light did NOT become clearer to him as time went on.....WTS and GB are FRAUDS.

  • perfect1

    Thanks for your video tornapart.

    Is this by you- Israel is spelled wrong.

    Mizpah youve abviously done some research! Thanks for sharing!

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