Watchtower and Freemasonry
by mizpah2 79 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Référence :
- Journal : "The Montreal Gazette"; 26 Septembre 1921; p.3
Wow the ISBA in my city?! I am curious as to the location of reported "conference". The venue Old Dominion Church shows nothing on google. There used to be a Old Dominion theatre turned to a burlesque house. Could it be?
Also I would LOVE one of them IBSA pins with the Crown & Cross. I should try and have some made... -
Yes the connection the WTS. had with the Freemasons is true more so as a place to give public talks and perhaps sell
literature afterward though. When Rutherford changed the name of the organization to (JWS) and started to build their own Halls is when the
true viral dictatorship really started, where arguable dissenters could be pointed out and identified, this mostly is also when the disfellowshiping
policy was instituted. The structural power of the organization had began.