Thanks for the observations, 00Dad.
Blacksheep, interesting find. It seems quote-mining (taking words out of context) is fair-game when looking for evidence to use against WTBTS, but NOT FAIR when they do it. Sorry, folks, but standards of debating are not open to modification: ends don't justify means.
I noticed this one though:
"Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?" Watchtower 2009 Feb 15 p.27
Oh, "completely trust", as in the parable of the FDS, with Jesus warning what he will do when he returns and finds the unfaithful and indiscreet slave has been abusing his authority while away, cutting him into pieces?
(and how can the "master be away", when Holy Spirit is supposedly directing the daily activities of the FDS? Crap, it's all too much, LOL!)
Oh, and this:
"What about toys based on popular fairy-tale or science-fiction characters? Such stories generally deal with the triumph of good over evil. Some parents thus view the ‘magical elements’ in these tales as simple flights of a childish imagination and see no harm in letting their children enjoy them. Others may fear that the stories could stimulate an interest in the occult. (Deuteronomy 18:10-13) Without judging others, parents must make their own decisions in this regard, considering the effects such stories—and any toys based on them—have on their children." Awake! 1994 Sep 8 p.9
It's exactly like WT article that said that no JW should be forced to choose between religion ant their family, but conveniently forgetting that their JW FAMILY will make the choice for them, if they are DFed.
So although the parent isn't judging others in making the Sparlock decision, that's not to suggest that they shouldn't consider how it may look TO others, and there's the rub, with the possibility of "stumbling" another.
Clever stuff.....