Fantastic quote on jwfacts Sparlock article

by cedars 115 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • 00DAD

    KingSol, good catch on the thermal under the tee! I missed that one. I totally remember FTRH:

    Hey bud, let's party!

    Your comments really highlight the difference between WT Official Written Policies (which change at the drop of a hat) and the un-official, but nevertheless very real, unwritten rules.

    Let's review: It's a cult!

  • just Ron
    just Ron

    I'm sorry. I thougth it was going to be Quote's on all the scriptures mom use to prove that she was right.

    Just Ron

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Did you read the rest of the article????

    Remember too the principle at 1 Corinthians 10:23: “All things are lawful; but not all things are advantageous.” While a popular toy may not be objectionable to you, is it truly advantageous to purchase it? Could it offend or stumble others?

    So, they weren't being more reasonable at all. You were still supposed to align your standards to those of the most mentally damaged members of the congregation so that you wouldn't be guilty of stumbling them and causing them to lose their chance of petting vegetarian lions. Sparlock still goes in the bin.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Thanks for the observations, 00Dad.

    Blacksheep, interesting find. It seems quote-mining (taking words out of context) is fair-game when looking for evidence to use against WTBTS, but NOT FAIR when they do it. Sorry, folks, but standards of debating are not open to modification: ends don't justify means.

    I noticed this one though:

    "Since Jehovah God and Jesus Christ completely trust the faithful and discreet slave, should we not do the same?" Watchtower 2009 Feb 15 p.27

    Oh, "completely trust", as in the parable of the FDS, with Jesus warning what he will do when he returns and finds the unfaithful and indiscreet slave has been abusing his authority while away, cutting him into pieces?

    (and how can the "master be away", when Holy Spirit is supposedly directing the daily activities of the FDS? Crap, it's all too much, LOL!)

    Oh, and this:

    "What about toys based on popular fairy-tale or science-fiction characters? Such stories generally deal with the triumph of good over evil. Some parents thus view the ‘magical elements’ in these tales as simple flights of a childish imagination and see no harm in letting their children enjoy them. Others may fear that the stories could stimulate an interest in the occult. (Deuteronomy 18:10-13) Without judging others, parents must make their own decisions in this regard, considering the effects such stories—and any toys based on them—have on their children." Awake! 1994 Sep 8 p.9

    It's exactly like WT article that said that no JW should be forced to choose between religion ant their family, but conveniently forgetting that their JW FAMILY will make the choice for them, if they are DFed.

    So although the parent isn't judging others in making the Sparlock decision, that's not to suggest that they shouldn't consider how it may look TO others, and there's the rub, with the possibility of "stumbling" another.

    Clever stuff.....

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I think the thing about the DVD is that it really doesn't leave any wiggle room. The written articles all use a lot of weasel words to make it seem like a "true christian" actually has any choice about whether to allow a "magical" toy or movie. I think the implication has always been clear that the society strongly disapproves of such things and only the spiritually weak would even consider watching those movies or buying those toys. Unfortunately, people have used the weasel words as an out to rationalize their desires. They say to themselves "this article says it's a personal decision and no one should judge me for my choice" and they happily trot off to Disney World or whatever. The society doesn't like that, and so has decided to put out the Caleb video to clarify that "true christians" don't really have a choice and any "magical" toys or videos are totally unacceptable.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    I think the thing about the DVD is that it really doesn't leave any wiggle room.

    As blacksheep pointed out, the original 1994 article contained policy which wasn't as flexible as claimed, as JWs always needed to consider the possibility for stumbling others if you let your kid play with a magic toy like Sparlock....

  • steve2

    I'd have to say that the quote on jwfacts in isolation does suggest the Watchtower once had a more liberal stand on worldly toys, especially those that had "magic powers" (e.g., helping the triumph of "good" over "evil"). However, looking at the stem article in totality, not much has changed at all. 00Dad is right: It is often what is implied in an article that counts rather than what is explicitly stated.

    Any JW parent concerned about their standing in the local congregation would not have previously read the entire 1994 article and then felt "organizationally justified" (my term) about giving their child such a toy.

  • extractor

    I picked up 2 things from the video. (implied, thank you 00DAD) young children are taught early on that...

    1. jehovah is a god who "hates" (yes, this word is used in the video)

    2. And jehovah is a god of conditional love. (toss the toy, Jehovah loves you)

    Of course it doesn't say these things outright, it's MIND CONTROL. It only works when it's small, subtle, & not consciencely detected.

  • 00DAD

    Let's not forget the subtitle of the video is:

    • Listen, Obey and Be Blessed

    The clearly implied message is that if you don't LISTEN and, more importantly, if you don't OBEY, then you will not be BLESSED by Jehovah.

    Every JW knows what that means: You're gonna die at Armageddon, assuming you don't die from some other reason first. In that event, "No resurrection for you, little Caleb!"

    Either way you're screwed.

    Try to have a nice day!



  • hamsterbait

    KS - if you honestly think that the WTBTS will spell out every policy shift or doctrinal change for the flock to follow, you are mistaken.

    Often in the past they simply stop talking about a doctrine, and wait for the sheep to forget about it.

    You can find plenty of examples in the literature, if you can be bothered finding it FOR YOURSELF, as I dont pander to the mental laziness of JW apologists.

    One example is the length of the creative days. They have NEVER retracted the statement in the Paradise Book that each day was 7 000 years long. Young JWs seem not to know about this, fortunately as science has advanced since 1958, and young people would see how stupid the WT was to make such a claim.

    I love debating with liars and hypocrites like you however, as it is such fun to see you dig your own grave deeper, both on the board and with Jehovah, who doesnt get sad when you disobey his counsel on association, he gets MAD, and when he gets mad he gets MEAN and starts killing people.


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