Interesting topic, but not sure I have anything to add, as perhaps one's perspective on JWN can be skewed by all the examples of child abuse, control, etc... So I'm going to free-associate here.... :)
I think most JWs are actually RETARDED in their spiritual growth, since they are told they possess all the answers, when they do not. As OTWO has done, there's many other belief systems out there to explore, and I think it's not so much about FINDING an answer, but SEARCHING for the answer while gradually becoming aware that there's NOT an answer to be found: the search IS the answer.
I actually feel I learned much more about religion when being apart (separate) from them, which also means you don't get the social interactions which ARE a long benefit of belonging to a group (I think of NC's relating of the kindness and support extended by the Unitarians in her area when she needed it). But groupthink is NOT always a good thing: think JWs who need blood transfusions!
I think people make spirituality WAY too complicated, with spirits, superconsciousness, etc: "karma" in a sense is all there is, in that what "energy" (which isn't real, just your general vibe) you put out there is what comes back (the Beatles said it as "the love you make is the love you receive", Jesus quoted the Golden Rule). Some people put out energy which is fun to be around, and others are toxic...
When you understand such truths (which are as close to "universal truths" as we get), I don't see a need to bog it down with more baggage, including concepts of Gods, angels, after-life, etc.