thanks for the response, jgnat. Much I wish to write on that, since you are an artist and have first-hand experiences to relate to what I have to relate... It's a fave topic of mine, eg how ocular pathology may have effected the output of famous artists in the past. Interesting stuff....
But to back up to this (which was based on a comment jgnat said):
NC said:
I don't agree that recognizing that our morals may be evolutionary robs them of any value or beauty or specialness to the human race. Some may like to say that morals come from a god, I like to say that we evolved morals---just why does my take on it cheapen it in any way? Why does that risk me falling lower than myself? What point do I risk missing? Do you think that we are unable to live large?
Jgnat dismisses natural selection as being "survival of the fittest", when no one I know who understands the complexity and modern understanding of the process of 'natural selection' would ever repeat that ol' hackneyed oversimplification from decades ago. That suggests jgnat really hasn't even scratched the surface of the topic, for natural selection offers great insight and perspective into the fundamental realities of life on Earth as it actually exists, and not just as we'd HOPE it to be (where humans create models of God in THEIR image).
I don't know of any particular resources that explain evo/NS in one place (and not to discourage you, jgnat, but it almost does take an in-depth study of biology at college, which includes taking courses in evolution, to grasp the complexiities of the subject). PBS has some good shows ("What Darwin Never Knew" was good), but it's like touching a large elephant while blind-folded: everyone touches a different aspect of the animal and gets a different impression of what it is, based on their prior exposure. It takes time to probe the entire animal to get a big picture....
NC, any recommendations for books for jgnat on evo/NS?