"The Thinkingest People On The Planet"...

by cedars 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cedars

    Morris is going to start thinking you're stalking him. You want to give the guy a complex? It will be a restraining order next.

    lol, with all these copyright clampdowns recently I'm amazed I haven't had a SWAT team crash through my window and deport me off to America!


  • ziddina


    And I wish I knew enough about the good ol' boys on the Gov.Bod to have made a decent guess!!!

  • cedars

    For anyone just joining the thread...




    The Thickest People on the Planet..

    Believe Anthony Morris..

    Anthony Knows Everything!..

    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • ziddina

    Oh, my dragon goddess.... Anthony Morris is a TOAD!! That smug, arrogant, and clearly dimwitted man!!!


    Anthony Morris says if you want your ears tickled..

    You can go to church..And..You`ll have to pay for it..

    They`re going to ask you for money at Church..

    Just like the JW Kingdom Hall..

    Where you can have your ears tickled and be asked for money..

    Your really Pissing me Off!..

    Don`t you ever Shut the F*ck Up?!..


    ............................ ...OUTLAW

  • cedars

    When I was making the video it struck me that Anthony MUST have been either inebriated or on very strong medication when giving this talk. The only other explanation for such terrible disjointed speech (not to mention uncontained revulsion against those who think "independently") and invention of new words altogether (or Bushisms) is either (1) nerves, which I find hard to believe, or (2) he is "intellectually challenged". Either way, it hardly speaks volumes for his credentials as someone taking the lead so prominently in "God's organization".


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    From this and the other videos you posted, I get the impression this guy likes to "wing it" and he's not very good at it. Disjointed and incoherent. If I were school overseer I'd give him a W

  • cedars

    breakfast of champions - I couldn't agree more.

    It would be an interesting experiment if someone were to give a word-for-word rendition of one of these talks as an item on the Theocratic Ministry School and film the reaction from the audience, and (later) from the instructor when private counsel is given. Any instructor who is worth his salt would almost certainly condemn the disjointed and firebrand style, yet this is the way one of the Governing Body speaks.


  • 00DAD

    We want you to think ... just make sure you're thinking what we tell you to think and nothing else!

    No independent thinking allowed.

    Go think about that!!!

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