Any one else like me?

by braincleaned 52 Replies latest jw experiences

  • braincleaned

    XBEHERE, about us being destructive as humans, it may be useful to know that is exactly a evolutionary trend. Evolution has hits and misses - and when you think about the numbers, like the fact that up to 98% of all the species that have ever lived are now extinct, you get an idea of how random the process is (not to be confused with 'chance', which natural selection is certainly NOT).

    The problem with us humans, is the fear we have of our future of non existance, while we don't have a problem of non-existing before we were born.

    Such is the cycle of life. When we evolved to higher consciousness, we invented gods and purposes that evolution couldn't care less about. But we have evolved, and continue to do so. Science has in the last couple of hundred years debunked much of the claims of the Bible, which is expected, since the Bible only offers knowledge of the time, 2,000 years ago.

    Now, we have and continue to make purpose for ourselves. That's the product of our evolved consciousness.
    This is not the product of a god. Besides, anyone reading this is already more moral than Jah, as we know to be evil slavery, genocide, or stoning to death people who make mistakes. Jah is a ruthless bastard; even Satan is not creditid in the Bible for the horrors of genocide. Thankfully, all of it is a fairy tale - well used by the WTS to keep in fear those in their grasp. It's time for humanity to keep moving forward, evolve, and let go of these toxic beliefs that have some willing to kill others for.

  • braincleaned

    Not sure what you're saying Fernando.//If you are saying that going from unbelief to unbelief is much easier than transitioning to belief I have to agree.// Are you talking about the evolution of belief? In which case this is not what i'm saying. Men have created belief in the supernatural because they needed answers as to life and the world surrounding them. So it wasn't difficult to go from nothing to a belief system - in fact it was natural!In my case I went from belief to disbelief... and I guarantee that it was not easy!!!


    I am open to expanding my understanding of things, but yes the brainwashed mind takes time to clear out. I am also afraid of accepting evolution as it will mean that probably there is no god... not quite ready to say that yet.

  • braincleaned

    "I am open to expanding my understanding of things, but yes the brainwashed mind takes time to clear out. I am also afraid of accepting evolution as it will mean that probably there is no god... not quite ready to say that yet."

    I truly understand. But I will say this; to know we are the makers of our own destiny, and that our life here is a wonderful fortune - has been a source of amazing bliss for me.

    However, don't rush things. If you are comfortable now, you should keep on like you are.
    If you're not comfortable, then it may be time to take a personal step forward.

    In any case, I wish you all the best. I'm rooting for you!!! ;)

  • sizemik
    Evolution has hits and misses - and when you think about the numbers, like the fact that up to 98% of all the species that have ever lived are now extinct, you get an idea of how random the process is.

    Humankind finds it hard to recognise and identify it's own evolutionary flaws. We see through a filtered superiority . . . as if we are some pinnacle of evolutionary achievement. This is reinforced by long held religious concepts . . . where the flaws just become "sin" . . . and that sinless = perfect. It's a quaint notion in it's simplicity . . . but completely at odds with evolution.

    We see ourselves as highly socially developed. In reality, by the most basic measurable results, Humans are the least successful among the primates as a social creature. There are many other "social" species (those who rely on social structures for survival) who are socially more successful than humans. It is this lack of successful socialisation that will eventually consign homo sapien to the 98%.

  • tec

    Is there anyone else out there that can't wrap their mind around those ex JWs that drool over Jesus, and how they found the Lord after leaving?

    Some people left the org because they listened TO Christ, and followed his voice OUT. So it would be hard for such a person to then deny Him. (not impossible, of course)

    Not everyone left Christ or God just because the WTS was proven to be false. The WTS is not Christ or God.

    Not everyong FOR Christ is for some other denomination either. Some left religion altogether, and all of its doctrines/dogmas/rules/etc... and simply follow Christ.

    I realize you are asking other atheists, but I thought I would share as well. Since it is those who are for Christ, who you are not understanding.



  • tec

    XBEHERE... there are many who have faith who accept evolution, without having to deny God. Science and God are not in conflict. Only our understanding (or rather misunderstanding of one OR of the other). So evolution (as we currently understand it) might be in conflict with what some teach about God, but that does not make it in conflict WITH God. There is nothing to fear from science vs. God, because there IS no science vs God. Unless we choose to create a conflict with our misunderstandings, where no conflict in reality actually exists.

    Just some thoughts to ponder.



  • braincleaned

    Thanks for your input Tammy. Indeed I understand. My perspective is other because I actually had problems with the Bible before losing faith - and only when that was established have I dared face the WTS's crooked teachings and false Biblical interpretations.So, that's where I'm coming from.I do understand your vantage point is not the same. And also understand that true believers can without effort, see the Society for what it is. Especially it's cutting Jesus from the followers and placing itself pompously as the "Mediator" - how arrogant. A despotic mind-controlling cult.

  • Leolaia
    Is there anyone else out there that can't wrap their mind around those ex JWs that drool over Jesus, and how they found the Lord after leaving?

    I didn't do that but I did attend a few churches after leaving. I found a kind of emotional experience there that was utterly lacking in the congregation. The Kingdom Halls were very sterile places, restrained emotionally, without any deep emotional connection; it was like going to a dry business meeting with talks, presentations, and tutorials. It was very intellectually based, but left me feeling cold. The churches I went to in contrast had warmth, a sense of community of helping each other, of sharing joy and emotion freely and openly. It just felt different and I felt it filled something that I had been hungering for. I could imagine some people go to chuch not for learning "spiritual truths" but for that emotional sense of connection, not just with churchgoers but with the "Creator". Evangelical Christianity places emphasis on having a personal relationship with Jesus. I think some might be attracted to this after feeling a lack of any meaningful emotional connection when a JW.

  • King Solomon
    King Solomon

    Braincleaned said:

    Like Bertrand Russell said, "Well, there can’t be a practical reason for believing what isn’t true. That’s quite... at least, I rule it out as impossible."

    While I agree with Russells words, I don't completely agree. The interesting thing is, even Dawkins pointed out how believing in untruths is impossible, when in fact it isn't: Russell and Dawkins seemingly forgot about a psychological phenomena which Dawkins even used in the title of a book he wrote: DELUSION.

    Delusion is, of course, holding beliefs that aren't factually true by telling oneself that they are. Delusions DO serve the practical purpose of avoiding cognitive dissonance when all evidence indicates that they aren't true, thus allowing one to go along with the group (group-think). Unfortunately, delusional thinking is so prevalent that some forget it exists; they are blinded BY it and blind TO it, since we are submersed in a culture that encourages delusional thinking (esp if it's religious delusions).

    XBEHERE said:

    I do not think evolution is logical, I mean how can we be the best that evolution has to offer (survival of the fittest) when we are destroying our own environment and killing off other species left and right.

    Well, no offense, but it's clear you don't understand the basics of natural selection, as if you DID, you would NOT repeat the old chest-nut of "survival of the fittest": that one's grossly simplistic and was discarded over half a century ago, yet it's still dispensed as a valid characterization of NS by creationists today as a straw-man to attack.

    Unfortunately, truly understanding evo and NS takes ALOT of work studying, which most people aren't willing and/or able to carry out.

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