Finally! -- Why the WTS Discourages Higher Education

by Recovery 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Just making sure you know Jehovah's watching.

    He'll know whether or not you're really repentant.

  • Recovery


    "The next step you need to take is to get a therapist. Instead of putting money in the contribution box, simply save it and use it to pay for your therapist sessions. Tell the therapist everything about you. But never, ever, ever, ever mention the abuse you suffered. That is not something you should tell your therapist. That is just sick and unusual to tell your therapist the most traumatic thing that has ever happened to you. In fact, if you want a court to believe you were truly traumatized and forced to stay silent out of fear from disfellowshipping, please abuse hallucinatory drugs. Mhy favorite is a mix of meth with crack cocaine and a dash of PCP all mixed into one. You need something to cope with your pain. Do not go to your parents or friends. Do not let anyone know what has happened to you. If you would like some assistance in obtaining hallucinatory drugs please google it. You should be at least 11-12 years old reading this book, so I am sure this is something that you can do. If you want to become a millionaire, you have to be determined and serious about these steps. It is the only way -- Conti's way.

    --End of chapter 3 preview.

    *continues taking notes

  • Violia

    i really am a kind person but I am about to scream

    Shut the Fu*k up at you. get off this board- hit the road. find somewhere else to haunt

  • man oh man
    man oh man

    Recovery, I think you should search this forum and find out what an "ass hat" is.

  • loosie

    I saw your website a few months ago recovery... it was shit then and it's still shit now. I hope you or your children are never molested.

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    Recovery, a lot of people might not like your presence on this forum, but I just want to thank you for your contributions. There are many lurkers that read this forum but don't have the courage to post. I can't think of a better "witness" you could give your religion than to come on here and defend a convicted child molester.

  • rip van winkle
    rip van winkle

    Recovery- I stopped reading your thread almost immediately. However, I did read most of the comments.

    You really are a MASTER BAITER! GET A GRIP and GO RECOVER YOURSELF somewhere else. BEGONE TROLL!

    ( This has been an unpaid warranted announcement from this JWN member!)

  • Recovery

    I am not defending child molestors. I am not defending anyone. I am simply trying to show people why the WTS is justified in discouraging higher education. Who wouldn't want to be a millionaire?

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    Someone request an ass hat?

  • Cagefighter

    This is why you should always take your medications. Recovery can't even string together a coherent theme or title in his trolling today.

    BTW, did everyone else take their meds or suplements today?

    I started Herba-life took two multi-vitamins as well as my other "medicine" that looks like a funny cigarette.

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