Ok, I'll bite Elephant.
No, there's not a huge difference. It doesn't matter to most, and the announcement is the same. DAing would be easier, the letter wouldn't have to go into any detail, it just has to state that you no longer wish to be a member, or be recognized as a JW. Even an unbaptized pub. Can do this, though there is no need.
A DFing involves Judicial committees, which aren't pleasant for anybody, and could possibly be with men you've been close with for many years. As stated above, the JC arrangement is not only unscriptural, it violates human rights in many countries. If a country were to have a legal system that runs like JWs, it would be nothing short of a corrupt tyranny.
This thread isn't about the difference the question asked would you care if you were - like if you've completely successfully faded to the point that your life would hardly change if they made an announcement in your old cong.
Elephant strikes again