So, Jesus had a wife.....

by oldlightnewshite 52 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • oldlightnewshite

    Yep, Jesus had a wife.

    Not that anybody on here cares.....

  • Phizzy

    A 4th century fragment in Coptic Egyptian is of course not definitive proof, I wish we did have a trustworthy Life of Christ written by a contempory with no particular agenda other than recording the life of the man.

    I doubt we ever will, it would also need to contain his teachings too, so we could know what the furore about him was about.

    This is an interesting find though, it shows that the Gospels certainly do not tell us anything like the whole story, or even very much of the story.

  • sir82

    As Phizzy said, it's hardly "proof", and isn't really much in the way of "evidence".

    However, it is interesting in that it demonstrates that there were multiple traditions about the life & teachings of Jesus floating around from the earliest days of Christianity.

    Which is of course the polar opposite view of JWs, and actually many fundy Christian groups as well, that there was "one true church" for several decades after Jesus's death that gradually, over the course of centuries, became more and more "apostate".

  • itsibitsybrainbutbigenoughtosmellarat

    The engagement ring, the wedding ring, and the suffer-ring.

  • BluesBrother

    Many people here would care about the outcome of this since many retain a Chritian faith. However :

    This fragment is one of many later texts about Jesus from unknown sources and as Wolf-Peter Funk, a noted Coptic linguist and co-director of the francophone project editing the Nag Hammadi Coptic library at Laval University in Quebec, said there were "thousands of scraps of papyrus where you find crazy things," and that many questions remain unanswered about the Harvard fragment. (see

    It was interestjing to see it in more detail

    Finally, the NT does speak metaphorically of Jesus as the Groom and the Congregation as the "Bride of Christ" so perhaps it is nothing new?

  • minimus

    If a thousand years from now, people read what is written today, even here, there would be no proof of anything! There's a lot of crap written and a fragment is not much evidence.

  • clarity

    If this could be proved ... somehow the watchtower would

    spin it, to show then how jesus was the prototype for Russell who

    was also married .... both of course were celibate !

    They would work it out I'm sure!

  • Larsinger58

    if you follow esoteric Christian art you'll see that John is oft decpited as very feminine. In "The DaVinci Code" they go as far as to claim John is actually Mary Magdalene, the wife of Jesus. This only represents what was esoterically believed, which means 'the disciple Jesus loved" was his "companion." In other words, they saw John as Jesus' chosen lover. No "lover" in the sense of anything inappropriate, that is, both men were single and celibate. But his "companion" in the sense of being a eunuch (gay).

    So to cut to the chase, Jesus being a "eunuch" would not have been attracted to any women, plus further it is clear who his companion of choice one, his own cousin, the Apostle John.

    That Jesus was a "eunuch" (gay) is referenced by several scriptures but one reference in particular is that he is called a "Nazarene" In the Bible, a eunuch is someone who has no decendants. A tree with many branches represents your family of descendants. But a "twig" or "branch" is a euphemistic reference to a eunuch, who does not marry and have children. "Nazareth" means "branch town" and so it is a subtle reference to Jesus being a "branch" or a eunuch when he is called a "Nazarene."

    When esoteric and occult references substitute Mary Magdalene with John, they are subtly acknowledging that the person Jesus was in love with was John. But it is more polite to turn this special relationship with John into one between a man and woman than between two men. Eunuchs openly loved each other as John and Jesus did, but it was completely above board. They were seen as a "couple" but were viewed as two relatives. There was, of course, no sex. Being a "eunuch" was considered a "gift of singleness" not an excuse for homosexuality.

    I know a lot of people can't even begin to deal with this, but that's the way it is. Bottom line, Jesus in no way was married to, nor interested in any woman romantically.

  • Nambo

    Seems to be a lot of this sort of stuff recently, getting people in the mindset that Jesus had a wife and kids, or maybe its just the fella I work with that reads a lot of Dan Brown books, once its in the public perseption however, it will be far easier for someone from the ruling elite to gain world rulership under the guise of a decendant of the Christ.

  • Larsinger58

    Just for the record, Jesus' wife in heaven was once Satan, the most beautiful angel in all heaven. Jesus got divorced in Eden but will get a new wife, this time from the earth and fully tested when he returns during the end-times. Thus Jesus marries the "church" and they take the place of Satan in heaven on Mt. Zion.

    But Jesus had no earthly wife and otherwise was in love with John.

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