I had a crush on Walter Koening when I was in elementary school.
So, Jesus had a wife.....
by oldlightnewshite 52 Replies latest watchtower bible
I had a crush on Walter Koening when I was in elementary school.
LOL! Fangirl!
Okay, I'm convinced the fragment is a fake. The whole thing is a pastiche of Coptic phrases lifted from the gospel of Thomas.
'He vas my boyfriend!' Frau Blucher, Young Frankenstein
Just as we have seen how the Jdubs take scriptures/quotes out of context, that little parchment doesn't clarify anything at all.
For those that believe Jesus was a god made flesh - for him to take a wife would be rediculous.
For those that believe he was a man that forged his own path and followed his beliefs, it is very possible that he had a wife, considering the culture he came from.
Do I need to know the truth about it ? No. It wouldn't bother me either way.
people seem to forget that the jesus they know comes from the Bible that was selected and give to them by the catholic Church. Nobody believes the RCC in so many articles of faith, and yet they dont realise that the very basis of their beliefes come from a very carefully selected group of books given to them.
If the RCC had selected this book and not tried so very hard to destroy all copies, they might have a very different opinion. People dont realise that the RCC tried ever so hard to destroy books w/ conflicting stories. THey destroyed the greatest library in the ancient word. They tried their damnbest to stop the common folk from readin ghte bible. Its only pure chance that the printing press and other similar advances in places outside the RCC domain made it possible for the good book to make it into the public domain.
If you believe in the Bible, ask yourself why am i accepting the books that the RCC selected for me and not the hundred or so other gospels... Many of these books are quoted by books w/ the current canon. James, Jude quote the book of Enoch for one, and yet the RCC did not select Enoch. REad it and you will see why.
Here is a synoptic comparison I made. Credit goes to Francis Watson for discovering the fact that the GJW (Gospel of Jesus' Wife, as King has dubbed the fragment) is a modern pastiche of phrases lifted from the GThom (Gospel of Thomas). My analysis improves on Watson's study by adding several other parallels from GThom, showing that in fact everything in the fragment comes from GThom.
But how old is that text, the parchment ? -
Possibly old...could have been a blank piece of ancient papyrus (it's not parchment), though some scholars have said though that the papyrus looks too fresh. The ink has not yet been tested scientifically.
Stephen Emmel, a professor of Coptology at the University of Muenster who was on the international advisory panel that reviewed the 2006 discovery of the Gospel of Judas, said the text accurately quotes Jesus as saying “my wife.” But he questioned whether the document was authentic.
“There’s something about this fragment in its appearance and also in the grammar of the Coptic that strikes me as being not completely convincing somehow,” he said in an interview on the sidelines of the conference.
Another participant at the congress, Alin Suciu, a papyrologist at the University of Hamburg, was more blunt.
“I would say it’s a forgery. The script doesn’t look authentic” when compared to other samples of Coptic papyrus script dated to the 4th century, he said.
The use made of GThom in the GJW is highly unusual. It is a very tiny scrap of what should be a larger text, but virtually every word and phrase is lifted out of GThom. There are genuine gnostic tracts that are dependent on GThom or have literary parallels, but not with such density. They always have much original material. At the very least, this shows that it was composed in Coptic and not in Greek, which Karen King originally thought, and the method of composition does not even require the forger to have even understood the language (and there seems to be a big goof in the last word in line 6). All he or she needed was an interlinear of the GThom and simply replace a few prefixes or suffixes as needed. And one of the mere 8 extant lines in the fragment agrees with the line break in the Nag Hammadi manuscript. That means a dependence on specifically that manuscript, if it isn't a coincidence. Which would then mean that the fragment is a modern production.
The idea that Jesus having sex and yelling who,s your daddy
doesn,t sit right with me, it takes something away from his divinity.