Most jws do not think. They feel. They are told a certain thing and they simply accept it or just don't care all that much what the real facts are. Every so often someone wakes up and sees the facts and responds by getting away from the lies. Maybe some of our exjws will see the light about politics too.
Thinking People vs.Non-Thinking People
by minimus 20 Replies latest jw friends
Remember not to think with your own brains at KH! -WTBTS
Note to self: stay off political topics during election season.
Found Sheep
I agree
True. JW's do feel, not think. They do not feel their feelings though. They feel what they are told to feel. Using conventions as an example. "Are we not happy, brothers and sisters, to be out of the darkness of the world?"
Christ Alone
Well this is the thing... I just want to say... uh.... sorry... lost my thought
rip van winkle
I don't agree with "they feel", because if they did "feel", as opposed to being told what to feel and how to feel, their compliance of shunning and accepting every untruth is from turning OFF their feelings.
(If you're really looking for feelings - disagree with his religion &/or his politics!!! All his feelings will come out. LOL)
Rip, I agree. It is not that they cannot feel or reason, it is just shut off. Check this quote from the Insight Book on Gossip.
"On the other hand, it is not gossip or slander and is not wrong to report conditions affecting a congregation to those having authority and responsibility to oversee and correct matters. This fact is demonstrated in the Scriptural record about the Christian congregation in ancient Corinth. There, dissensions and the paying of undue honor to men were creating sectarian attitudes, destroying the congregation's unity. Some members of the house of a certain Chloe who were aware of these things and were concerned about the congregation's spiritual welfare disclosed the fact to the absent apostle Paul, who acted quickly, writing corrective counsel to the congregation from Ephesus.".
So if you are a feeling person and want to help others, you will be moved to follow your conscience and report something that is harmful. Now just try to put this into practice concerning problems in the Organization. You will find yourself quickly demoted by un-feeling, and unreasonable people. They will feign affection, but as soon as you go in the back room and they say " Amen " the gloves come off, and the love disappears.
Here is a fact:
A Pew Research Center Poll from July 2009 showed that only around 6 per cent of U.S. scientists are Republicans; 55 percent are Democrats, 32 percent are independent, and the rest "don't know" their affiliation.
It's so reassuring to know that republican ideology isn't contaminated by those ignorant, arrogant, ivory tower scientists. Republicans know that God will take care of the poor, if not in this world, then in the world we will all be raptured to in the near future. Republicans don't need to worry about the condition of the earth since it is destined for destruction.
Thank God for Republicans.