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For Recovery: A discussion about the Great Crowd and the Other Sheep
by Londo111 39 Replies latest watchtower bible
Bttt for the newcomers...
We were taught there are two classes, the select Anointed who have a heavenly hope and the Great Crowd who have a earthly hope. Now the Anointed are lumped in with the Domestics.
The Bible is pretty simply…no separate classes, no two destinies, only only “one Hope.”
so where do we stand here?
Other sheep are Gentile Christians. confirmed. so:
1) the Other Sheep become/are part of the ISRAEL OF GOD, the one flock ?. so:
2) are they are included in the 12 spiritual tribes of Rev.7 1-8?. and since
The 144 000 come OUT OF the 12 tribes,
3) Is the residue that is left over after the sealing OUT of the 12 tribes the Great Crowd of Rev.7?
4) if the 144 000 firstfruits are in heaven close to the Christ and the Great Crowd are in heaven too, are ther 2 heavenly classes?
5) how about the tent spread over them, like the tent of Rev. 21:3 "--with mankind---" ?
wt is totally wrong but is there any right? after the talking snake, bone - cloned lady, everest covering flood, fast track animal restart?
recovery has been banned so he cannot answer you
True that (or should it be True TTATT?). I hope he is doing well.
I think what we do know is that the GC did not exist in jesus day since they are promised an escape from death when the world ends as with the LF they are expected to surrender their life on the alter to prove their worthiness for a heavenly existence as for all people your physical body must be a temple to GOD with a strong moral character all must show to be saved . IMO
I think what we do know is that the GC did not exist in jesus day since they are promised an escape from death when the world ends as with the LF they are expected to surrender their life on the alter to prove their worthiness for a heavenly existence as for all people your physical body must be a temple to GOD with a strong moral character all must show to be saved . IMO
Why was he banned? This topic is relevant to JWs who believe Jesus worlds "I have Sheep of another fold" refer to "The Great Crowd". Was the "Two Destinies" a new concept to Christian thinking until Rutherford came along? How are Witnesses held down captive and allow the "New Covenant" to be stolen right under their feet? I wish people would be more peaceful when discussing subjects that are becoming extinct. There exist people who still desire to discuss the Bible and all the various ideas people have about it.
he was banned for multiple troll accounts
Heathen: You said: "the GC did not exist in Jesus' day" of course not. right! because:
The GC COMES OUT OF the great tribulation which has not started yet. --WT used to teach in the 50s that the GT started in 1914, stopped (was cut short) in 1918 will start again at HARM a geddon. [ GT runs from 1914 to the paradise with the middle cut out]. in that sense WT tried to have the GC "come out of" the GT. therefore:
since the GC comes out of the GT,
THe Great Crowd does not NOW, NEVER has, existed befor the big A, the GT.---but the Other Sheep exist!-- since Cornelius.
The expression --"great crowd of other sheep"-- is a mis-nomer, a concept created by the WT BtS writers to confound the Bible readings and create a unique "pure language" WT-speak vocabulary.
What we have though, is these entities defined by Rev.7 ,14, 20:
1) The 12 tribes of the ISRAEL OF GOD who were formed between Jesus' baptism and Pentecost, comprise All Christians, including gentiles. aspiring to everlasting life, heavenly or material.
2) The 144 000 firstborn co-rulers sealed OUT OF the 12 Tribes of the ISRAEL OF GOD, bought FROM the earth, martyrs, sealed since Stephensdeath. aspiring to immortality.
3) The members ot the 12 Tribesthat are not bought from the earth, need to go through the 12 open, named gates of the New Jerusalem to geteverlasting life via the trees of life, the water of life, found only inside the walls build on the 12 foundation stones.
4) the Great Crowd, Believers,Christians coming OUT of the Great Tribulation coming soon (within the ever-lasting overlapping generations). living inheaven? under the protective tent on earth?. also aspiring to everlasting life obtainable by the means found insidethe City, New Jerusalem.
Wt has consistently maintained that these 12 tribes are "the earthly class""in some contexts" in other words:
The members of the Great Crowd are possibly the 12 tribes in a different context, namely DURING and after the great tribulation.
caviat: This exercise shows how hard is to make sense of a tale based on talking snakes, cloned ladies, and other brother grimm tales.
Arabian Arboles: Discussions like these are definitely JWN related, they will show Where WT BtS is wrong on doctrine (help Lurkers).or show that
Bibel-based beliefs are unbelievabel, and its either some yet to emerging Truth, Science only, Atheist, Humanitarian, ego-centered, absent creator scheme that we are searching for.