"We don't believe only JWs will survive Armageddon, only Jehovah can read hearts" - Logic Fallacies by JWs (or us)?

by cognisonance 51 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cognisonance

    Recently I talked to someone I care about who is in the JW group and stated I feel that believing billions of people are going to die when Armegedon comes and only a JWs will survive would be unloving of a god. The response is one that I've also noticed others have experienced. In short the answer is something like the following: "We don't believe that, only Jehovah can read hearts." Why do some respond this way? This is what I'm trying to understand and examine.

    So I start by first looking at wol.jw.org to see what the literature has recently said. Consider the following Watchtower quote:

    Jehovah has wisely made sure that the “good news of the kingdom” is proclaimed far and wide, in hundreds of languages. People everywhere are being given the opportunity for survival and salvation. (Matthew 24:14; Psalm 37:34; Philippians 2:12) Those who respond favorably to the good news can survive Armageddon and live forever in perfection on a paradise earth. (Ezekiel 18:23, 32; Zephaniah 2:3; Romans 10:13) Is this not what one would expect from a God who is love?—1 John 4:8. 1

    Hmm. This statement suggests to me that those that do not respond favorably to the good news that Jehovah's Witnesses preach will not survive Armageddon (the inverse of what they state). Thus, if God destroys them, he is still being loving because he, after all, did warn them.

    NOTE: I am aware of the logic fallacy called Denying the Antecedent 2 (or inverse fallacy). However, you will find as you continue reading, that this inverse is indeed what is often taught and believed by Jehovah's Witnesses. If I'm wrong, please correct me and I will happily say my arguemnt here is invalid becuase I then would be Denying the Antecedent. I aim for intellectual honesty!

    This has always been problematic for me. I was raised in this religion, but I often thought that had I not been, I probably would never have become one. Why? Likely becuase I would not have taken the religion seriously and probably would not have looked into them. I would likely have not seen them much different than any other non-mainstream religion. In fact, I likely would have been inclined not to gravitate to religion (or spirituality, or metaphysical explanations) at all, favoring scientific explainations for things. I have always wondered, how many people that JWs attempt to preach to feel a similar way (with the not take this religion seriously part, I know many do believe in God). How many really think that not listening means they will die for not responding to the message?

    Nonetheless, the article quoted does have the following caveat a few paragraphs earlier:

    Only Jehovah is capable of waging a truly just and truly selective war during which righthearted individuals, wherever they may be on earth, will be preserved. (Matthew 24:40, 41; Revelation 7:9, 10, 13, 14) 3

    So there is the escape hatch JWs resort to when facing the question: do they believe they are the only ones that will survive Armageddon? I think this is the logic fallacy called Special Pleading 4 . In the link to special pleading it gives the following example:

    Yes, I do think that all drunk drivers should go to prison, but your honor, he is my son! He is a good boy who just made a mistake!
    Explanation: The mother in this example has applied the rule that all drunk drivers should go to prison. However, due to her emotional attachment to her son, she is fallaciously reasoning that he should be exempt from this rule, because, “he is a good boy who just made a mistake”, which would hardly be considered adequate justification for exclusion from the rule.

    Let's change this to use the argument JWs make:

    Yes, I do think that all those that respond favorably to the good news will survive Armageddon, it's a loving provision of Jehovah to warn people and give them an oppurtunity to make the steps needed to come to Jehovah's Organization to survive. But wait, I know there must be people out there that truely have a good heart, they just are being mislead, just don't believe what we preach, or have been been turned off to religion and just can't accept any form, etc. Thus, we can't say God won't save these people too as it only makes sense a loving God would.

    How does such an emotionally pleading thought have anything to do with the general thought (written or not) of JWs that to survive one must respond favorably to the preaching work of Jehovah's Witnesses (that responding means taking the steps to come to Jehovah's Organization). I've heard it said if someone starts studying and truly is making a conversation when Armageddon/Great Tribulation comes he will survive. I've heard spoken of me (I'm DF'd) that if I repent and turn around and take steps to return but the end comes before I officially get reinstated, that God could still spare me at Armageddon. Basically the thought is one has to be taking steps to come into the organization. This is how one respnods favorably.

    If this wasn't a requirement, and a person could get "saved" based on just having being honest-hearted, then why do JWs bother preaching at all? Why view all other religions and those part of them as divinely marked for destruction? Why say lives are at stake? Why say one could be bloodguilty if he doesn't preach? Why do they liken their work to trying to save people out of a burning building? If God could just save people based on his own assement (which the special pleading suggests), why put so much emphasis on the preaching work being the opportunity for survival?

    1 "Armageddon—A Happy Beginning?" Watchtower 1 December 2005: 4-7.

    2 Bennet, Bo. "Denying the Antecedent." Logically Fallacious. 19 Sept. 2012 <http://www.logicallyfallacious.com/index.php/logical-fallacies/75-denying-the-antecedent>.

    3 "Armageddon—A Happy Beginning?" Watchtower 1 December 2005: 4-7.

    4 Bennet, Bo. "Special Pleading." Logically Fallacious. 19 Sept. 2012 <http://www.logicallyfallacious.com/index.php/logical-fallacies/164-special-pleading>.

  • blondie

    Convenient memories...most jws can't remember what yesterday's daily scripture was let alone:


    The Watchtower Society teaches that since Jehovah's Witnesses alone have God's backing and are the only ones that worship the true God, shortly they alone will survive Armageddon.

    "Only Jehovah's Witnesses, those of the anointed remnant and the "great crowd," as a united organization under the protection of the Supreme Organizer, have any Scriptural hope of surviving the impending end of this doomed system dominated by Satan the Devil." Watchtower 1989 Sep 1 p.19

    "Similarly, Jehovah is using only one organization today to accomplish his will. To receive everlasting life in the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it." Watchtower 1983 Feb 15 p.12

    "Is it presumptuous of Jehovah's Witnesses to point out that they alone have God's backing? Actually, no more so than when the Israelites in Egypt claimed to have God's backing in spite of the Egyptians' belief, or when the first-century Christians claimed to have God's backing to the exclusion of Jewish religionists." Watchtower 2001 Jun 1 p.16

    "During the final period of the ancient world that perished in the Flood, Noah was a faithful preacher of righteousness. (2 Peter 2:5) In these last days of the present system of things, Jehovahs people are making known Gods righteous standards and are declaring good news about the possibility of surviving into the new world. (2 Peter 3:9-13) Just as Noah and his God-fearing family were preserved in the ark, survival of individuals today depends on their faith and their loyal association with the earthly part of Jehovahs universal organization." Watchtower2006 May 15 p.22 "Are You Prepared for Survival?"

    Association with Jehovah's Organization

    Association with Jehovah's organization - the Watchtower Society - is presented as essential for salvation.

    "If we stop actively supporting Jehovah's work, then we start following Satan. There is no middle ground." Watchtower 2011 Jul 15 p.18

    "But Jehovah's servants already belong to the only organization that will survive the end of this wicked system of things." Watchtower 2007 Dec 15 p.14

    "But if we were to draw away from Jehovah's organization, there would be no place else to go for salvation and true joy." Watchtower 1993 Sep 15 p.22

    "Only Christian witnesses of Jehovah who successfully pass this test will survive and come forth like fire-refined gold for God's use in his precious new order." Watchtower 1985 Mar 1 p.14

    "And while now the witness yet includes the invitation to come to Jehovahs organization for salvation, the time no doubt will come when the message takes on a harder tone, like a "great war cry."" Watchtower 1981 Nov 15 p.21

    "But Jehovah God has also provided his visible organization, his "faithful and discreet slave", made up of spirit-anointed ones, to help Christians in all nations to understand and apply properly the Bible in their lives. Unless we are in touch with this channel of communication that God is using, we will not progress along the road to life, no matter how much Bible reading we do." Watchtower 1981 Nov 15 p.27

    "This great crowd is part of the only truly united multinational organization on earth today. They do not cry out that they owe salvation to the holy spirit, for they are not servants of a trinitarian god. In some 200 geographical territories around the earth, they are at one in calling upon the name of Jehovah as they speak the one pure language of truth. (Zephaniah 3:9) Properly, they publicly acknowledge that their salvation comes from Jehovah, the God of salvation, through Jesus Christ, His Chief Agent of salvation.-Psalm 3:8; Hebrews 2:10. Modern technology has helped to make the loud voice of the united great crowd sound even louder. No other religious group on earth has need of publishing Bible study aids in more than 200 languages, since no other group is interested in reaching all peoples of earth with one united message." Revelation pp.122-123

    "They must appreciate that identifying themselves with Jehovahs organization is essential to their salvation." Kingdom Ministry 1990 Nov p.1

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Blondie, please stop with this apostate material...

  • LostGeneration

    What it boils down to is that they don't want to believe their God would be such a dick.

    What kind of asshole kills of children around the world because their parents are Hindu, Muslim or Buddhist? Oh, not ours says the faithful JW. When in fact, their literature says exactly that.

  • konceptual99

    I've never accepted that only dubs would survive. I've always looked at it as we just don't know and it's down to God. I've squared that with the need to preach in the past as simply giving people the opportunity to come to a knowledge of the "truth". In my current questioning state of mind, however, I am much more interested in what the party line is as only a couple of weeks ago an elder said only witnesses would survive in a talk from the platform.

    The other thing I have noticed after having attended several funerals of non believers given by brothers (eg parents and non believing relatives) is how they have always raised the likelyhood of a resurrection even though these ones have been close to the "truth" but never accepted it. Nice comforting thought but surely is at odds with the base reality of what is ultimately taught.

  • dmouse

    Try saying to them the next day 'I am a right hearted person, I don't need be an active Jehovah's Witness to survive Armageddon' and see what they say then! A classic case of believing two opposite things at the same time!

  • nuthouse escapee
    nuthouse escapee

    Being in association with 'God's organization' was often compared to being in the Ark of Salvation. The example being that of Noah & his family being the ONLY ones to survive, while all of those outside of the Ark were destroyed. Sounds to me like they are saying if you're not in the modern day 'Ark' then you will die.

    The escape clause of Jehovah reading hearts, appeases those that find the prospect of their God wiping out billions of men, women, and children unjust. Leslie

  • sd-7

    Well, this concept of 'we don't believe only JWs will survive Armageddon' is a sort of lie by omission, as the only way people can be 'honest-hearted' is to listen to and agree with the JW message. So I'd go with 'lie by omission' as the logical fallacy there.


  • undercover

    The "only JWs will survive" quotes vs "only Jehovah can read hearts" mantra is enough of a paradox that it would have caused the space probe Nomad in the Star Trek episode "The Changeling" to shudder, shake and smoke, repeating "error, error..." over and over until it exploded

  • Elephant


    "Recently I talked to someone I care about who is in the JW group and stated I feel that believing billions of people are going to die when Armegedon comes and only a JWs will survive would be unloving of a god. The response is one that I've also noticed others have experienced. In short the answer is something like the following: "We don't believe that, only Jehovah can read hearts." Why do some respond this way?"


    ...as they say, drowning in a glass of water?

    ...has it ocurred to you that the answer REALLY is...only God can read hearts?...as in...ONLY God can decide?

    ...of course if you don't believe in God, well...

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