I'm sorry EE, if you dont like the tone of my language on this thread , but if you'll excuse me the WTS is quick and ready to use even far more down right rude and insulting language to those who even dare to question their stupid doctrines;mentally diseased,mad,suckers,idiots,possessed,sexual deviants etc are just a few of the many.A member of the WTS who has served for 10/20/30/40 years and who bangs on doors peddling their shitty message to the unsuspecting good honest members of the public is nothing to be applauded in my book, their(your) message destroys families, causes unnecessary deaths with the blood transfusion rule, protects paedophiles and produces absolutely nothing worthwhile to the world we live in today, they do nothing for charity and when people speak about you and Dubs being "nice people" I'm sorry again but it's easy to generalise with them as 99% are arrogant,dishonest, blatant liars,aggressive,rude,argumentative,haughty etc, if they are the sort of personality traits that are to be commended then you are welcome to them, my own mother wouldn't even piss on me if I was lying in the gutter on fire. I suppose you would have been one of the masses who claimed Jack Barr was really a lovely old man who was just a victim like the rest of us, or that Nancy Chung was an excellent example of a JW showing true faith, or do you welcome back the convicted paedophile back into your KH with open arms? This is an apostate forum after all, if you dont like it why dont you piss off back to your KH and cry in your BoE's arms about those evil apostates being mean again.
I Do Not Think Everyone That is a JW Wastes Their Life
by Magwitch 64 Replies latest jw experiences
Rotfl!!!! Nice try, Mr asshat of the week, but this isnt an apostate forum.
Its a group of HUMANS who all shared the common experiance of contact with desert g od witnesses either by virtue of being born to desert god parents or contact through the desert god door to door activities or someother means...
I object to self righeous asshats calling down evil on a fellow humans deceased grandmother because of the religion she belonged to.
Your militances is a cover for cowardice and pain. Take a moment to relax and let your wounds heal. You dont have to be the scared child crying in the corner anymore over mean dubbies and what you let them to do you.
You can choose to grow up and join the rest of us adults. You can choose to learn and grow from your experiances and help others.
Or you can continue to be a self absorbed child, continually taking out your pain and anger, your sense of helplessness and lack of self esteme on random people's dead grandmothers.
I hope you grow enough to one day choose the better of the two.
Found Sheep
I agree sounds like she had a good life with lots of love. I do think times have changed. The "older" jw's have a purer look at the "truth"
oh the irony EE, using phrases like cowardice ,anger and helplessness, the WTS has the trademark on much activities, I'm far too long inn the tooth to be acting in a child like way in regards to my experiences in the WTS, I've not set foot in KH for almost 20 years! if you knew anyone that knew me I can only offer help assistance and friendship in folks having doubts in the poison you call the "truth" my door has an open door policy if anyone wishes to speak with me, the opposite can be said about "your lot". An apostate forum made up of 99% of folks who have been disfellowshipped for apostasy! WTH does it make it?
Arguing an asshat who thinks he's too old to learn better clearly isnt the intent of this thread. Ill let you final word if wish and simply wish mag my condolances on the loss of her grandmother.
Well, my condolences on your loss, Magwitch. If a person treats others with honor and love, then they've not wasted their lives no matter what their belief system. Maybe believing erroneous things is a waste of brain power and time in itself, but that doesn't negate all the other potentially good things a person could have done in life.
Firsty I offer great sympathy for the lose of you grandmother Mag. My own mother is 93 and the most happy and fulfilled lifelong Jdub you could ever meet. She is a loving mother and friend and I will be heartbroken when she is gone. Yet I do agree with Jook that all Jdubs hold responsibility for supporting and teaching a selfrightous, arrogant judgemental lifestyle.
There may have been some 'happy and friendly' Nazi's. And how about a 'nice' slave owner, should they be held accountable for their actions? I personally believe they must be.
I may have put it in a softer way but I have to agree that just because someone is a "nice old granny" does not mean they are off the hook for passing on the TTATT.
Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I really do appreciate them. I was thinking last night how both my grandparents were born to Ukrainian immigrants (peasants). The religion provided them with a purpose that their life may have lacked otherwise. Who's to say? Anyway thank you all for weighing in.
Hey.... Tinker..... If you want to use an acronyms you should actually know what they mean... Otherwise you sound silly.
Mag, my sympathies on your loss. I've had similar thoughts about my mom and my aunt, both of whom spent seemingly happy lives as JWs. They didn't perceive it as a waste, even if others did.
I think there is some validity to the argument regarding personal responsibility for having brought people into the religion. I feel some guilt myself for having done that. But we all unintentionally do things that could potentially harm others, so that's a whole other argument.
The thought I do have regarding people like my aunt, for example, is that she sacrificed many things for her future hope, such as having children. My mom sacrificed things on behalf of her children (i.e. our education). That makes me sad, because they gave up those things for nothing.
But I think there is something admirable about experiencing life to the fullest regardless of your belief system and being able to die satisfied with how you have lived your life. Your gran, my aunt, my mom - they all died believing they were fulfilled and had been faithful. That's a good thing, IMO.