Redhorsewoman stated
I will usually post in response that even though it all sounds great, any active JW "knows" that in order to be considered "mature spiritually" they will have to take the hard line on the matter.
well stated indeed- a perfect example of that is "COLLEGE"
While the WT never per say came out and stated YOU CAN'T GO TO COLLEGE
any person who is truly serious and honest about what the "Mouth PC of God's view" on the matter merely has to go back and read the aticles for themselves
allow me to share just 2 examples of where the wt "DOESN'T SAY" you can go to college but any MATURE CHRISTAIN would understand--
wink wink
the following is merely an example of why i laugh at guys like XANDIT"
when persons like him make those comments like
when you consider the CONTEXT of the following 2 examples -one quickly sees why so many jw kids didn't go to college
while i will acknowledge that not all congo beat their young folks who went to college
the attitude of the entire org is summed up in these 2 examples and the Mouth PC of God wanted all jw kids and parents to know it and that is why it is in PRINT- talks, skits, drama- KM, CO visit and the list goes on and on
8. Aw,5/22/69,pg15,
: <font color="#0000FF">If
: you are a young person, you also need to face the fact that you will never grow old in this present system of things. .....all evidence
: in fullfillment of Bible prophecy indicates that this corrupt system is
: due to end in a few years. a young person you will never fullfill
: any career that this system offers. If you are in high school and
: thinking about a college education, it means at least four, perhaps
: even six or eight more years to graduate into a specialized career. But
: where will this system of things be by that time? It will be well on the
: way toward its finish, if not actually gone!</font>
Posted by N.H. [Pravo] on August 10, 1999 at 04:43:19 {.5VYJ7MmZUHSG.vl05doX.sgIvMbfw}:
Some times when reading WT literature, one wonders about the mental processes of the writing staff
in Brooklyn. Take a look at this little gem from the May 1973 KM and notice what the WTS call
*** km 5/73 6 What is Your Heart's Desire? ***
An elder in Korea encouraged his four children to pioneer. At a circuit assembly he and the children were interviewed. The oldest daughter related how she had been the highest scholastically in her high school. She herself wanted to go to college at one point. However, her father informed her that, while she was free to choose such a course, she could not expect financial support from him. She changed her mind about college, and now she is enjoying many blessings as a pioneer. The next oldest, a son, told how he also at one time wanted to go to college and follow a worldly course. But his father sat down and reviewed the Scriptures with him. His father also told him that, if he insisted on following a worldly course, he would also have to find another place to live. He heeded his father's counsel and is very grateful that his father was kind but firm in his stand. The two younger children explained that they were impressed by what happened to the two older ones. From the beginning they planned to become pioneers. The youngest son gave up his high school education to pioneer.
So with this kind of "encouragement" who can blame the JW youth? "Of course you are free to go to college girl, but I won't pay for it! How "encouraging"! "If you go to college son, I will throw you out of the house! Wow, how "encouraging" that must have been folks! Of course the younger children learned a lot from all this wonderful display of "encouragement" from their father, the elder, so they gave up all thought of an education. This was in 1973, and in a competetive society like the Korean, I am sure they have enjoyed a long life of window cleaning by now, while distributing the same WT "encouragement". This little story from the 73 KM really captures the fundamental insanity of the
WTS in an excellent way. It illustrates so clearly the tragedy of how they manage to rob people out of
their whole lives, by forcing them to make insane "decisions" about their personal future.