Is there such a thing as progressive understanding of God's will? A simple yes or no will suffice, but if you'd like to state why, please by all means do so.
Is There a Such Thing as Progressive Understanding?
by Recovery 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
rip van winkle
Recovery- you need a new AVATAR. I cannot take you seriously when I look at you!(LOL)
Thats what I got informed about less than an hour ago, from some very very genuine witness's. It sound's like a continuation of "the Light get's brighter to me"
Theocratic Sedition
No such thing as the light got brighter. It means you were wrong the first time. That light gets brighter has nothing to do with prophecy either.
Yes, and why?
Because when Moses was comming down from the smoking mountain he had 15 comandments when he got down he was holding them up and speaking to the entire nation of millions. But he accidentally dropped one of the stone tablet and so he said:"Jehovah has given you these fifteeeeeeen ought o,, oops, I mean ten comandments." Right here we have an example of progressive understand as used by the WT organization.
I realise that, its an easy excuse for changing anything they want!
rip van winkle
LOL Frankiespeakin- I think you are referring to "The History of The World, Part I" Mel Brooks!
Yeah, you mean that's not in the bible, well shame on Mr. Brooks.
rip van winkle
'Fraid not Frankie!
I don't think so. The Bible has been around for about 2000 years. If we don't understand it by now, we never will. Some parts will never really be
understood, they will just be interpreted differently by different people.