Is Jehovah (GOD ) an intelligent being ? Or an incompetent

by smiddy 25 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    What would happen if God appeared in the sky,

    lets say over north America and announce I am

    he, the one true GOD. The rest of the world could veiw

    it on satellite. Now I believe 99% of 7 billions people on

    earth today would say, OK he is real. I for one would certainly

    become a believer. Of course you still have some that are doubters,

    it,s a trick.

    What would it accomplish? For the next 2000 yrs. there will be

    no doubt that God is real. I guess he can not do that because he

    is having too much fun screwing with our minds. He should appear

    at least every 500 yrs. It,s no way mankind would deviate from God,s

    plan, if every 500 yrs he appear, I am still here.

  • smiddy

    It`s nice to know that I`m not the only one who thinks he is not the sharpest tool in the shed......... Cold Steel , he supposedly dealt, one on one, with humans in times past,yet in this age of technology,he remains silent. We dont need prophets or gurus or go betweens,we need the GOD himself, to speak for himself ,is that too much to ask ?

    Their is so much division, confusion, and unbeleif about GOD the world over,surely, now would be a good time to set matters straight.Thats if he exists of course.


  • mP

    Jehovah is nature.

    The Sun, Wind, Time, Seasons the powers of nature they couldnt explain were all eventually Jehovah. There are many scriptures that say this. It also conveniently explains how Jehovah sometimes "helps" and sometimes ignores his people. The fact is the jews when they did defeat their neighbours did it by their own military strength. The ark, Jehovah, magic prayers never helped. They of course lost when a big monster like Babylon, Egypt or Rome turned up each and every time as would be expected.

  • Rudolf

    The answer is found in Isaiah 59:2:

    "But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden his face from you, so that he will not hear." (NIV)

    A discussion of sin is very important to anyone who has a belief in God. If we accept the existence of a Creator, our next major concern is pleasing Him. Consider ... an Omniscient, Omnipotent Being is responsible for our existence. Our continued well-being is totally dependent upon His whim. Is it not in our best interest to determine what He desires of us, what is acceptable and unaccetable to Him?

    Sin, put as simply as possible, is that which is unacceptable to God. It is what separates man from God, and from the possibility of ultimate happiness. Since the Bible is the Word of God, it is logical to go to it to find out about sin. This is an important initial point. If we want to know what sin is, and what things are sinful, we must go to God to find out...NOT MAM.

    For example, many do not believe that dressing immodestly is sin. Others go so far to think there is nothink sinful about lying, getting drunk, gambling, or cursing. Abortion, Homosexuality, Racism, etc., you can always find someone who will deny such things are sinful. But it is important what man may think about such things. The question must be, "What does the Bible say about sin?" It is only asking this question that we can know what God considers sinful. And it is only in knowing what God considers sinful that we can ensure we are pleasing Him.

  • WTWizard

    Jehovah is every bit as righteous as Tyrant David (slaughters people simply because they don't worship his god). Maybe even worse.

    Writing up rubbish that is probably embellished, putting it in writing so that future generations will be simply referred to it in lieu of actually receiving any benefits from their lives, yet demanding praise righteous? Ordering me to dedicate my life to him, simply because he did something to Tyrant David? Then having the congregation binding my soul to him so I can't be free to later dedicate it to Satan or free it for my own use, then abusing me? Righteous?

    If only there were a few more Demons around the day the dingbat first called on my door. Perhaps letting them have an accident so they wouldn't make it. Or, making the scumbag get sick so he would never have called on my door. Or letting them get bit by a dog so he could have been calling an ambulance instead of my door. Or even something as simple as getting the scumbag stung by a bee so he would have lost his train of thought. That way, I never would have been coerced into dedicating my soul to someone that was going to abuse it, and I would have been free to dedicate my soul to the same Being that did everything to free us from Jehovah's tyranny at great personal cost. Without having any encumberments from Jehovah.

  • sir82

    I'm still on my journey to figure out what I believe in exactly.

    But I'm 100% sure of this: "Jehovah" as defined & described by the WTS simply does not exist.

  • Rudolf

    I would like you to imagine you have committed a criminal act and you are sentenced to death. You are on detahrow and you are awaiting execution. Then somebody comes along and offers himself to die in your place. Not only he is willing to die for you but also he takes all your criminal record of you on himself. All this for you to be free and to start a new life. What would you say? Would you accept it? Or would you refuse it? Yet, here is [the] God in flesh, our Creator, who gave His life for you and I, and to all who accept His sacrifice. If I were God I would have probably destroyed this earth in an instant as soon as Adam and Eve have sined, yet, here is God, who created the all universe with everything in it, including us, came down from heaven to suffer heatred, rejection, mocking, pain, etc., and to die for us. What else could have He done?

    I understand your bitterness toward God, and this is perhaps because you had a bad experience, but God is the King of the Universe and cannot be trampled upon by man. God is not compatible with sin, God is a Holy God and longsuffering!

    That's how much He loves you that He even died for you - what an outrageous love! Won't you appreciate that?

  • Rudolf

    You are right, 'Jehovah' as defined and described by the WT is not the True God!

  • frankiespeakin

    Jehovah acts as intelligent as the human minds that imagined him into being project him to be. Human projections can be both positive and negative notice the common human qualities that the minds of humans project onto this imaginary figure:

    Jehovah of the OT gets jealous, has fits of anger involving murderous hatred, had a wife, His wife cheats on him, gets tired after 6 day of work, and needs a rest and so commanded nobody out do him and work all 7 days of the week which he deems a capital offense, likes the smell of meat&fat roasting in a fire(burnt offerings(barbeque) giving him pleasure in his sense of smell), hates certain types of word arrangements(blasphemy), loves the smell of incense, losses self control and later feel bad at what he did, has regrets,,,,

  • Rudolf

    I can only pray for you!

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