Is this happening in other webpages or just this one?
Technical Help Please
by Band on the Run 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Band on the Run
Sometimes it happens on other websites but it appears worse on this site. I probably need to take it to see if there is a hardware problem. This site gives me more problems than any other. Some days I can not log in, no matter what. There appears to be no remedy.
Is there a way to contact a moderator through email or something. PMs will not work if I can not access this site.
Just a guess BOTR but are you using the compatibility view setting on this site ?
Many people here are using either IE 8 or IE 9 including myself and have no problem accessing the site or have problems
scrolling pages.
Have you tried using Firefox here ?
If the IE your using is in default mode it should remember your login password and user name.
One thing you can try is while in IE, open the Tools menu and then open Internet Options, then open the Security tab and then click
Default level, once that is done open the Advanced tab and click reset. Close IE and trying coming back to JWN to see if there are any
changes , if you've done everything right upon the login page, such as click the box where it says remember my login, everything
should be fine.
Good afternoon Band..
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Band on the Run. Are the other pages forums too? (Some forums use the same ad servers) Looks like the ad servers are having problems which keeps the pages from loading correctly.
I've noticed lately that when I login it returns to the login/captcha page even though I'm logged in.
The first couple of times it happened I didn't notice and kept trying to log in.
I use Firefox on my PC and Safari here on the iPad. Both work, though sometimes I get weird punctuation effects on the iPad, but that's the fault of the user, not the machine!
seriously, Firefox irons out most glitches, here and for everything. I wouldn't be without it. Just go to and download the latest version. Set it to update itself. Mine does that regularly, and no problems here or anywhere.
Nothing you've described suggests a hardware issue.
what browser are you using?
rip van winkle
I'm using Chrome. Been having posting issues for days -keep getting a greybox or none at all under POST A REPLY.
I've been having to log-in like 00Dad.
I have used a registry cleaner like Outlaw
And I have had to reboot a lot over the last several days.
I thought my computer was dying, but it's only happening here.