JC on the way! Story to be continued!
I posted Cedars vid on Gerrit, higher education and OCD on my real jw friend's facebook pages . Greetings from Norway to GB and Gerrit! Love from Healthworker
by Healthworker 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Please tell us more when you have time- don't leave us hanging!
Via con Dios,
Ditto to what RayPublisher said!
Inquiring minds wanna' know.
Good luck for the both of you. Don't let'em bully you.
Great stuff Healthworker.
I wonder if someone can be disfellowshipped for distributing the spoken words of the Governing Body?
I guess we'll find out!
Hi, friends - Eric, 00DAD , Sauerkraut and Cedars! I am writing some background information about the day that changed my life, June 3rd 2012 . I will also throw in some information about Norway, for those of you who like to travel and see some fjords and mountains.
In the meantime here are some statistics of my facebook posting. I posted a video of Gerrit Losch on Saturday on my real jw friend's facebook pages (was that grammar correct 00DAD - have a feeling something is wrong). Here is the link http :// www . youtube .com/watch?v= 1B7DRwti - H4 &feature=player_embedded (thanks Cedars). After 5 days: - 50 % of my jw friends still has it up and running on their facebook pages - 10 % gave it a "like" - JC notice sent from Elder today. He did not bother to write a letter, but simply sent a text message using mobile phone (the BOE met yesterday according to him). Both my WIFE and me were called to the same JC with three elders. Even though she did not take any part of the posting. I will give you more background tomorrow! Have a nice one brothers! Love from Healthworker -
JC notice sent from Elder today. He did not bother to write a letter, but simply sent a text message using mobile phone (the BOE met yesterday according to him). Both my WIFE and me were called to the same JC with three elders. Even though she did not take any part of the posting.
I will give you more background tomorrow! Have a nice one brothers! Love from HealthworkerWow, that's unbelievable! When you said "JC on the way" I thought you were joking. And all because of this video being posted on your facebook page? I don't know what to say!
" Wow, that's unbelievable! When you said "JC on the way" I thought you were joking. And all because of this video being posted on your facebook page"
I guess it's the elders last threat to shut me up Ever since our mutual friend came over here, in june 2012, I and many with me have been upset.
Love Healthworker
There must be more back story to this, can you go into what led up to the JC?
Thanks Healthworker, I guess we'll have to wait and see what happens.
You have a PM!