The Devil made me do it!

by avengers 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • avengers

    Hell No. The pressure that the GB applies to all it's victims makes them do it. If you can't conform to the Watchtower, you will not survive Armageddon. So if you know, you and your family are gonna die in Armageddon why not kill them now? At least then they might be resurrected in the New System.

    The bigger the lie the more that will believe it.
    Adolph Hitler
    At last the dangers of this cult is becomong visible for everyone.
    Beware of the Watchtower!
  • Naeblis

    Nice quote. I wonder how many people will believe you?

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Hey Avengers!
    I used that as my basic premise for a novel I wrote years ago.
    The dub Father decided to kill his family so theyd be resurrected.
    The eldest son ended up killing him instead in extremely brutal fashion.
    Of course,none of this had anything to do with the real life of the author! Haha.
    Ah, the things we think of when we are young.

  • avengers

    Naeb. Maybe you'll believe this:

  • plmkrzy

    You know there is such a thing as going from one extreem to the other.

    People in the middle (say balanced ones) see remarks like that as

  • avengers

    Yeah I guess murder is comical!


  • plmkrzy

    It is extremely sad that some people insist on making it that way. IF He did in fact murder his family then himself and you want to sympathize with HIM for it then go the extra mile and find out exactly why he did it instead of making up want you want as you go along because you want it that way.
    You are committing just as much injustice if not more by taking these murdered children and using them in an attempt to only make some kind of point that would not EVEN hold up in court.
    It can be a hard lesson to learn but it is a worth while lesson to learn.

    I'm not trying to PICK on you just trying to help.

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • avengers

    plm: Are you saying the WT Society is innocent in this case?

    find out exactly why he did it instead of making up want you want
    What am I making up?
  • plmkrzy

    Not at all aveng.
    I am only saying this kinda thing happens for many reasons and has always been that way. He could have had some serious mental disorder that wasn't properly diagnosed or it is even possible he didn't even do it. The investagation is continuing. I think it is better to wait before jumping to conclusions.

    "I look to the sea, reflections in the waves spark my memory
    Some happy,some sad"

    This one most definitely Happy
  • avengers

    Ok. I see what you mean. We actually do not know yet if he did it. In that way we cannot jump to conclusions. You are right!

    It sure is strange though that this is the second JW related killing within a few months. I realize that people who commit such horrendous acts have a screw loose somewhere. But who unscrewed it?
    I probably have a screw loose here and there. When I was within this Religion the screws only got loser. I can truly imagine how far someone can go when pressured by the Watchtower. I was a peaceloving hippy from the Sixties. I became Jehovah's Witness because I saw Paradise as a place where there would be real peace.

    I gave my loyalty to Jehovah, supported 'His' Organisation fully.
    But almost right away my conscience started to conflict with their doctrines. Always believing it is the TRUTH though, problems are always your own fault. This does not give someone a very high esteem of one self.

    Now that I'm out I can see what has been going on all these years, but when you are right in the middle of your JW life, you can't.
    Trying to create in your mind a picture in which the GB is always right, while all the logic in the world says they are not, distorts your thinking and has brought me on the virge of ending it all.
    So now afterwards I think it was for the best my wife left me. You never know what would have happened. I realize how dangerous this religion is. I'm totally out and have created a big distance with their sick doctrines, but I won't forgive them for what they have done to me and my family. They had my heart and they stepped on it. They have now created in me their fiercest enemy. So if there is anything to bring this Governing Body down, tell me.
    I won't go as far as bringing a rocketlauncher to bring down their sacred Brooklyn Tower, but yes I am close.
    And I am certain of it. I am not the only-one.

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