The Devil made me do it!

by avengers 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • Naeblis

    You miss the point. Again. Repeatedly. We know he did it obviously, what we don't know is why he did it. It's extremists like yourself that put "watchtower" blame on every negative thing a witness or ex-witness does, that make it impossible for Witnesses to give any credibility to "apostates" The second JW related murder?? Oh my goodness! This proves everything!!! Ignoring of course the countless Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, and atheists who murdered in the same time span. Get a clue and get some help. I see jail time in your future.

  • mindfield

    Naeb, Naeb!!! Do me! What's my future?

    *holds hands outwards*


  • Naeblis

    Judging by the thread you started about that 14 year old girl you had the hots for, I see jail time in YOUR future too. Muahahahahah.


  • avengers

    Naeb: After checking out this site and still not being able to figure it out, well, no skin off my nose.

    Your quote interests me:

    Ignoring of course the countless Catholics, Protestants, Muslims, and atheists who murdered in the same time span. Get a clue and get some help.

    It just means that there is no difference. The WT is just a religion like the rest. a bunch of murdering balogna.

    I see jail time in your future
    There won't be any jail time for me in the future. I do see however jailtime in the future for the ones whose anger gets as bad as mine and do not have the restraint as I have. Have you ever heard of Kingdom Halls being bombed? I have, and do you think that will get better with all the pissed off apostates running around? And who is to blame? Tell me it's my fault, and maybe I will use a rocket launcher.

    I am who I am.

  • Naeblis

    I'm just telling you not to jump to conclusions avengers. Angry, desperate people may indeed strike out after being hurt by the witnesses. But your speculation where no evidence exists helps noone, and damages your credibility, of which is rapidly evaporating.

  • Scully

    Y'know this whole JW-murder-suicide issue strikes VERY close to home for me. I've recounted this incident in my life several times, and I hope nobody's getting bored with hearing it. But I think it's important that JWs make remarks like the one my "best friend" made to me when I was having doubts about the Organization:

    If you're going to turn your back on The Truth™, you might as well take your three beautiful children in the back yard and blow their heads off with a gun. That way they won't go down with you at Armageddon and will have a resurrection in the Paradise.

    If that's the kind of counsel "strong" JWs are giving their "weaker" counterparts, is it any wonder that someone who

    a) is being treated like crap by their former friends and loved ones,
    b) has seen their prosperous business go down the toilet because JW clientèle refuse to continue doing business with them,
    c) has lost their home as a result of their income suddenly disappearing,
    d) has not had the opportunity to become mentally unenmeshed from WTS dogma

    to reflect on his life and his family's predicament and BLAME HIMSELF and then ACT on those "loving" words of the only people in his life that he EVER TRUSTED? Someone who has huge issues with WTS doctrine, like the fellow in Oregon apparently did, may have truly felt responsible for the ruination of his family; not recognizing the impact of the unchristian behaviour, or realizing that the problem lies with THEM and not with himself.

    I know that I was not the only person on the planet to hear "counsel" from JWs like this. I've heard it related by others too. Saying something like that should be regarded as a hate crime because it is not life affirming and hurts far more than it helps.

    In my own situation, it was a pivotal moment in my life as a JW. That was the deciding moment on whether or not I would ever go back. Had I been told something like that a year or so earlier when I was in the depths of postpartum depression, I know I would not have taken the lives of my children, but I probably would have killed myself... there were times when the way the "loving" members of my congregation would say or do particularly hurtful things that would make me consider suicide. Getting AWAY from them saved my life.

    Love, Scully

    UADNA-C (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-Canada)

  • avengers

    Does my evaporation matter?

    To me the Watchtower leaders have no credibility whatsoever.
    There are bro's and sis' tho that have my respect.

    That's it.

  • Naeblis

    Yeah..what's your point? I didn't say that the Watchtower leaders have credibility. But when you fly off the handle and formulate theories on why someone killed another person with no evidence and only your own bias as proof it damages YOUR credibility. The crediblity of the WT was never in question. They are what they are. The question is if you want to join them.

  • avengers

    Just keep it up.

  • Naeblis

    I'm only 24. Won't be a problem for many decades. Why your fascination with me keeping it up? Concerning.

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