I actually wrote this post in response to a poster recently dealing with the 'defeating' of the WTS.
I have started a new topic with the post as I would like to hear opinions of what XJW's and others view as a 'defeated' Watchtower.
"I am not quite sure what we all want from the WTS. What does a person mean by 'defeating' the Watchtower?
Destroying it, selling its buildings, giving the cash back to the people who bought them? I hope not because surely a true conscience would then dictate that we start the same sort of actions against the next control oriented religion, and then the next one...etc.
Or perhaps defeating it means seeing the more anti-social aspects of their theology rendered harmless. If this is the case, the natural process of theological evolution is taking them into these waters as we speak. We can of course by applying pressure in the *right* places, and I emphasize the *right* places hasten this process, but whatever happens the next couple of decades will see a much changed WTS. These changes wrought not so much by XJW’s, as the changing society in which we live.
I am convinced of one thing. That if we allow our experiences with the WTS to trap us in the vacuum between itself and ‘real life’, so that we unable to view our experiences in a wider perspective, then they have defeated us. A person truly defeats the WTS when they are able to gaze upon its excesses in the spirit of analysis rather than anger. It is then that we are better equipped to see our way forward.
Pain and passion can be beautiful reactions, but they can also be a dark prison for our hearts."
Kind regards - HS