hi hillary.
i'm not interested in the actual "destruction" of "them". not in the "physical harm" sort of way. i am however interested in educating the public in general to be more aware that they don't fall into "the trap".
if that helps lead them to "destruction" {however you define it}.....so be it.
the trap of being "preyed" on like a mantis stalks its kill.
going for the weak and not so weak, catching them when they least expect it, at difficult times in their lives.
i try not to let them consume me. it has been difficult, at times, and i still have issues i deal with, trying to break free of it all, in my mind. i was a conditioned clone for 40 years. i've started the deprograming, and its only been 3 months. i'm getting there.
i speak to whomever listens, and if they show interest, i explain it to them. i talk about my experience within the borg collective. when it comes as an experience like that, more people take interest. then again, some could care less, and thats ok to.
i think there are those, like yourself, and whatever your involved with who "apply pressure" to make things change. i am no one special. i was never anyone with much power in the collective, and held a lowly position. therefore my contacts are few. i can and do however "apply pressure" where i can. my information to the UN was just such "pressure". we all know how that turned out i'll continue to do whatever i can, if it takes the rest of my life. i at least know i'm not alone, in my feelngs.
and one more thing i thought of...
i do not want the wts to comsume me so much, that it becomes a crusade. i lived a 40 year crusade. enough already.
i have so much more in my life now than i ever had. i only wish i knew what i know now, years ago.
Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
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