Defeating The Watchtower - What Does This Mean?

by hillary_step 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • zev

    hi hillary.

    i'm not interested in the actual "destruction" of "them". not in the "physical harm" sort of way. i am however interested in educating the public in general to be more aware that they don't fall into "the trap".

    if that helps lead them to "destruction" {however you define it} be it.

    the trap of being "preyed" on like a mantis stalks its kill.
    going for the weak and not so weak, catching them when they least expect it, at difficult times in their lives.

    i try not to let them consume me. it has been difficult, at times, and i still have issues i deal with, trying to break free of it all, in my mind. i was a conditioned clone for 40 years. i've started the deprograming, and its only been 3 months. i'm getting there.

    i speak to whomever listens, and if they show interest, i explain it to them. i talk about my experience within the borg collective. when it comes as an experience like that, more people take interest. then again, some could care less, and thats ok to.

    i think there are those, like yourself, and whatever your involved with who "apply pressure" to make things change. i am no one special. i was never anyone with much power in the collective, and held a lowly position. therefore my contacts are few. i can and do however "apply pressure" where i can. my information to the UN was just such "pressure". we all know how that turned out i'll continue to do whatever i can, if it takes the rest of my life. i at least know i'm not alone, in my feelngs.

    and one more thing i thought of...
    i do not want the wts to comsume me so much, that it becomes a crusade. i lived a 40 year crusade. enough already.

    i have so much more in my life now than i ever had. i only wish i knew what i know now, years ago.

    Learn about the Wtbts and the U.N.
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  • metatron

    To you know,

    I think about a different scripture

    the one that involves defenestration of a wicked ruler

    "who is on my side? Let her drop!"

    metatron (and the dogs go slurp, slurp)

  • Simon

    for me it's stopping them hurting people. Stopping them breaking up families and causing unneccessary deaths from refuing medical treatment and suicides. To let people join and leave as THEY want.

  • Englishman

    This is stunning stuff!

    JW's are always whingeing about how "apostates" will persecute them, wolves in sheeps clothing, etc etc, yet all the posts here are from ex's virtually in agreeement with each other, and what they want most is for witnesses to be socially aware and stop behaving so badly!!!


  • metatron

    Yep, amazing isn't it? I guess they have 'demonized' us 'apostates'!

    It really makes you sad to realize how deep in self deception they
    must be to avoid changing simple injustices.


  • new boy
    new boy

    nice post ----------It will be gone one day, but were will Your life be at that point? remember the guy in "princes Bride" Who said " I've been in the revenge buesiness so long I'm not quite sure what to do now!"

  • Ranchette


    What does defeating the Watchtower mean to me?

    Good question.

    It means different things at different times to me.

    Some days I feel like I'll never be happy till they are out of business for good but I know that's just emotion taking over.

    Other days I think that exposing them to the public will satisfy me and protect others.

    Then there are times I think if I could just see the day that my friends and family see the real truth and free themselves that would make me happy.
    But I know in my heart that because I care for people that just wouldn't be enough either.

    I also know that WT isn't the only abusive controling religion out there so I sometimes want to defeat all organized religion.

    So sadly, I really don't think we will ever get complete satisfaction or truly defeat those that we want to.

    The danger is that we may defeat ourselves in this never ending struggle.

    I like this statement you made,it's so true.

    Pain and passion can be beautiful reactions, but they can also be a dark prison for our hearts."


  • Sam Beli
    Sam Beli

    Hillary, I think the over-all problem was well stated some time ago by Alan F. The central doctrine of JWs is that “the GB speaks for God.”

    Real defeat, it seems to me, will come when the halos of the GB are markedly tarnished; when the R & F JW realizes that the GB does not speak for God. Getting to this point is very difficult.

    Everything else will fall into place once that fact is realized by a significant number of JWs.

  • DakotaRed

    As far as I am concerned, each one of us has already defeated the Watchtower. By fleeing and no longer allowing them to control us, they have been defeated.

    As for the rest, they will have to sink or swim on their own. Just as dubs teach, when that great day of God Almighty does come, they won't be able to say they weren't told!

    If God's Spirit is filling a Kingdom Hall, how is it that Satan can manuever the ones within that Kingdom Hall at the same time?

  • BluesBrother

    It is tempting to think of a cataclismic end to the Tower of Power, but Of course it's a fantasy.

    I really believe that the tide is turning , the increase yearly is now miniscule with decreases in many western countries. Financially they are stretched. They are legally threatened on many fronts and changes in doctrine betray a crisis mentality.

    Other religions have faded away. In direct contrast to what I used to believe, now I think that this will happen - eventually. Did not Gamalial say something similar? Acts 5 ;34 - 38.

    Lee Elder
    "I still have many friends and family members in the organization. I want them to be well treated by the WTS. I don't want to rock their world and turn them on their heads, theologically".

    I beg to differ . A real friend deserves to know the truth, even if it hurts . They must face the reality just as we did. It is devasting to learn that everything one has done was a waste of time, but I am glad that I now know.

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