To Farkel:

by sf 26 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    Simon closed the thread which contained this post for you, from me. I'm not, at this point expecting any reply. I did, however, want to make sure YOU saw it:

    Actually Simon, I have something to say to Farkel on a comment in this thread. It took some nerve to do, so please, allow me.
    It isn't easy for me to confront men such as you "Farkel", yet I must eat this FEAR up and then spit out, for good in order to get the toxins out.

    You say here:

    "What Kismet said hurt my feelings, because he and I have been friendly and have shared private information for a goodly number of years."

    That sucked didn't it? It made you FEEL something inside you that was what? Emotional? You felt an emotion? You?

    And it hurt why? You FELT what? Betrayed? Why? Because you had become FRIENDLY over a goodley number of years and PRIVATE SHARED INFO was what? Revealed in public? How could anyone ("friendly for years") do such a thing, you say?

    Well Farkel, I'd like to ask you the very same thing when it came to DOING the very same thing to me, a few months back.

    We had become "friendly for a goodley number of months". And yes, I admit that I had become emotionally involved with you and some of your plight at the time. I even went so far as to have cops looking for you the night some here thought you were on a "suicidetrip".

    The next day I was on the phone with some of your friends in san diego county that knew who knew you. Yea, that was pretty emotional and scary.

    I wasn't aware of how you would react though to a person who'd you had become friendly with over the months/years. It shocked me actually. I felt embarrassed that I'd even went to the lengths I did that night.

    You hadme wondering though, after you're "you are so emotional" comment if we had truly even been friends for those months. Thus the "fuck off" I shot you with.

    Then I see the next thing you DO is post private things about our private conversation about my life. That scared me bad and me walls went straight up. I thought, holy krap, how much info do people here really privately reveal about one another? And what a fool I was.

    It hurt Farkel, just like it hurt you. If we were truly actually friendly, like i had thought, you would not have reacted to how i was reacting emotionally to what was going on with you that night in the chatroom. But the way YOU reacted betrayed and stunned me. And it will always hurt. It will keep confirming that revealing and sharing is the revealers and sharers risk on public forums and even privately.

    I mean honestly, how much time is spent gossiping about others here? How much do you know about me or someone else because I was the one who told you or because someone else revealed it to you?

    I wrote this not for cheerleaders to rah, rah or nah nah or to gain apologies by you. I wrote it because I needed to swallow this fear of speaking up to men like you that paralyze me with emotion. And grip with me with FEAR. It feels just like when I was young and I'd be told if I didn't this or that I'd have to go in front of the elders. FEAR and EMOTION would grip me and paralyze me.

    I'm tired of allowing mySELF to be gripped with fear (blackmailing personal info) and emotion (rage) by men such as you Farkel.

    There, I've chewed up that fear.

    sKally, spit:

    If man was supposedly created in gods image, then.....holy krap...we're all doomed.-sKallyWagger

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Im a man. Last time I looked I was anyway.
    You dont have to be "paralized with fear' around me.
    Anyone sending emails must be aware that the contents may well be used against them at a later date. A lot of fickle people reside here. Unpredictable people too.
    The people here learnt their behaviour from a mind manipulation cult.
    Me included. Unfortunately, a lot of it carries over.Me included.I think this is likely one of the most volatile boards on the internet. Living here is living dangerously.

  • gravedancer

    and this could not be done in email....because??

  • waiting
    and this could not be done in email....because?? - GD

    Anyone sending emails must be aware that the contents may well be used against them at a later date. A lot of fickle people reside here. Unpredictable people too. -RF

    That's the because. All persons should be careful.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    You asked the same question of me the other day.With regard to my thread addressed to Farkel.
    I will answer you here.
    He posted a public thread about me. Why should I then respond via private email???
    End of explanation.

  • Billygoat


    I don't understand that either.


    Is there a message you're trying to convey to the rest of us here, or are you trying to put Farkel on the public hotseat?


  • gravedancer


    I am unintimidated by you posting my OLD ID.

    Is it suppoosed to show how smart you are? I have said publicly and on threads that it was an old ID of mine.

    Big fucking deal!!

  • gravedancer


    I guess it is a simple answer(in some cases)...we both know it too!

    For the record I have no issue with Skally, at all. I just wondered about this.

  • Billygoat
    He posted a public thread about me. Why should I then respond via private email???

    This type of thinking just blows me away. "He did it to me so I just did it back to him." I don't get it. Does anyone understand what it means to be The Bigger Person? Does anyone understand the word "integrity" or "honor". Just because someone does something bad or unethical to you that means it's okay to do it back?

    Refiners - I'm not addressing you personally, but more of the public board in general. There is so much of this "tit for tat" attitude lately that just reeks of 5th grade emotional immaturity. When someone is attacked on this board, not seeing a response on this board makes me think that at the very least it's being handled privately in a good manner. But when I see the person retaliate in kind, it just makes me think the person is immature.


  • larc

    Hi Bucka roodies,

    From now on, I send all my private emails through my attorney and subject to his review. hee hee

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