SAD news about OOMPA......

by redredrose 630 Replies latest jw friends

  • cobaltcupcake

    RIP Oompa. Such a tragedy caused by a vile cult.

  • LockedChaos

    Awwwwwwwww Oompa

    Sad news indeed

  • EndofMysteries

    Perhaps somebody can put together some of his last quotes and hopelessness, or throughout the years the struggle he had and how he wanted to be with his family, and combine that w/ the news of him committing suicide, and send this to news organizations? This really needs to stop!!!!! Freedom of religion shouldn't mean this type of control over peoples lives, and also freedom to conduct known brainwashing techniques, etc.

  • Knowsnothing

    RIP Oompa.

  • doublelife

    I just heard about Oompa a couple of hours ago on facebook. I participated on this forum for a very short period of time, and lurk only occasionally. I don't remember interacting with Oompa, but he was one of the posters I remember. This brings back memories of losing my dad to suicide. I'm so sad, but also so angry. I hate this stupid cult!

  • umadevi

    I don't know him personally but I have always read his posts here. Sad. RIP Oompa.

  • Mary

    Oh god. This is just so sad. Oompa used to make me laugh, but I knew he struggled with his own demons, most notably The Watchtower who helped destroy him.

    I hope that if there is a life after this one, that Oompa will find the peace there that he was not able to find in this life.

    Rest in peace friend.

  • SlipnSlide

    I just don't know what to say. I don't post often, but I read a lot of posts regarding our dear "Oompa". I am so sad. Matter of fact as I write this, I am in tears. I know what is like to be shunned from friends and family (I am inactive, not disfellowshipped). The difference is that I could care less. I have felt what Oompa felt and I almost took made the same decision. It took a lot of self searching and long talks with friends that cared and I'm not ashamed to admit that I got help for it. I am beyond angry that he felt that his family and so called friends (those loving JW's and especially those super fine "brothers") treated him so callously. That is not what true Christians do. Jesus showed love to everyone and they are not following of his fine examples. Thanks for trying to help our fine brother whose pain is no more.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    The reassuring point is that he is in pain no more.

  • FlyingHighNow

    It is free to make a very nice memorial for Oompa at It's easy to sign up and once you do, you can leave flowers, graphics and messages for Oompa. It's sort of a virtual cemetery that you can visit anytime and it's permanent. As I said earlier in the thread, I made one for my brother and mom. One nice thing is that people I don't know leave messages and flowers. And someone found Cory's memorial and then sponsored it for a small fee. Now there are no ads and I can post more pictures of him.

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