"Safeguard Your Mind" assembly targeting apostate thinking

by promised_presence 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Scott77

    The brother later stated that "apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context".

    LOL @ Watchtower speaker. A thousand thank you promised_presence for sharing that piece. From now on, I will never listen to the apostates. Why? according the Watchtower speaker,"apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context" What a evidentially proof to the enduring power of the apostates! Evidentially, apostates are having a dent on the Watchtower members.


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    Yeah, amazing how we've gone from "spreading lies and half-truths" to "well, it may be true, but it's been taken out of context".

  • 00DAD

    "apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context"

    What is THAT supposed to mean?

  • LostGeneration

    Here is the context:

    "Jesus appointed the Watchtower Corporation to be the faithful and discreet slave"

    JWs have that pounded into their heads in different forms probably 1,000 times a year. Thus, they must mold all other "facts" around that one all important fact.

    Kinda like " All animals are equal , but some animals are more equal than others"

  • Scott77

    "apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context"

    What is THAT supposed to mean?


    I think, it 'may be true' because it has the benefit of being true and believeable, originating from the 'source of truth',the Watchtower. However, it may be interpretated out of context like the infamous overlaping generation. Anyway,there is no such things as 'may be true' and is 'true.' You are either not true, half truth or truth.


  • Violia

    I hope someone gets that DO comments about 2014 on tape b/c the wts will deny anyone ever said that- just like they deny anyone ever swore 1975 was the end of times. It is a bit frightening right now due to world conditions and indeed it does look like we may be seeing the beginning of ww 3.

  • ldrnomo
    The brother later stated that "apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context".

    Wait a second uh am I mistaken or is that exactly what the bORG does all the time?

  • loosie

    blood fractins how is that out of context?

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Hi promised_presence. Welcome to the forum.

    The lesson in the talk was for the apostate thinkers as much as the Dubs, but few of them get the message and use it.

    Undercover apostates & new doubters have to remember all of the warnings in these talks so that they can get their families thinking apostate thoughts without blowing their undercover status.

  • steve2
    The brother later stated that "apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context".

    Is that an actual verifiable quote? Did anyone audio-tape it? If so, it's pricelessly revealing.

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