"Safeguard Your Mind" assembly targeting apostate thinking

by promised_presence 47 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Scott77

    These days, we have powerful spy video cameras so tiny and can work by self. Please, see this link


    OR https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&tab=mw#hl=en&newwindow=1&safe=off&sa=X&ei=DvtoUO_WFsaoywHw_oDoCQ&ved=0CBoQvwUoAQ&q=hidden+spy+camera+pen&spell=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.&fp=e144f1b25e45ee57&biw=1280&bih=933

    We need to take advantage of new powerful digital technologies to video capture public recordings of Watchtower speakers then post them here for all to see as evidence. I wish I could do that.


  • bobld

    "Safeguard Your Mind" I immediately thought of how they will brainwash the mind of the sheep by their propaganda.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    "we are near the 100 year mark, we are getting close to the wire."

    Would I be taking it out of context if I were to quote him as saying, "we are near the 100 year mark, we are getting close to serving the Kool-Aid."

  • promised_presence

    I thought everyone would get a lil' laugh out of this or at least see that their hard work to reveal TTATT is becoming more and more acknowledged and way past the point of being an idle threat. I always thought I would be the last one to think there was something wrong with the org (born-in). @Black Sheep...I have also convinced my friend but we keep it to ourselves. @Scott77... The newbies were probably saying to themselves 'O I thought this religion was about the truth but apparently only fractions of truth that explains their view on blood! ok i guess I get it'. I don't ever recall a talk like this, specifically catered to apostates, especially not one at an assembly, so I saw it as a real 'sign of the times'. I will go to another one and will try to record it, but someone may already get a tape by that time.

    @OUTLAW I cant wait to see what the society is doing when 2014 comes I wish someone on here was psychic

    @Nathan Natas LOL my dad was almost as obsessed with MJ as he was with his annointed powers It was so hard for him to turn the station when thriller came on lol i know sad

    @breakfast of champions I am only assuming it was the DO's personal remarks. I just doubt the GB would give themselves that short of time limit. Unless it was temporarily put in writing to encourage more donations from fanatics who would give up their belongings thinking they wouldn't need it in 2 yrs.

  • Finkelstein

    Apostates may be telling the Truth so block out what they say or we'll look lie a bunch of corrupt fools.

    " Safe Guard Your Mind From the Truth " and give us your money

  • ziddina
    WBT$ Duble Talk for Dubs..
    "The brother later stated that "apostates often bring out points that may be true, but are taken way out of context"

    In Plain English..
    "The brother later stated that "apostates often bring out points that May be True, but it`s All Lies!!" OUTLAW, page 1

    Funny, OUTLAW, but I think what they were actually saying was:

    ..."apostates often bring out points that are UNFORTUNATELY TRUE, but since they are pointing out the ridiculous flaws and gaps in our teachings, we're going to use the excuse that they 'don't understand' because they aren't mentioning said points in the context of OUR "Theocratically approved" doubletalk..."

    Hee Hee Hee HEEEEE!

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Maybe you were alseep in the pews for the Give God Glory convention in 2003.

    The talk Beware the Voice of Strangers was the wake up call. http://www.silentlambs.org/education/districttranscript2.htm

    I have an mp3 of it if you want to use it to help you going to sleep.

  • WTWizard

    Feed your mind at Jehovah's table? There is nothing more than poison there. Fluoride, monosodium glutamate, and aspartame are what you get at Jehovah's table. Not something you want if you later wish to eat the good food at the table of Demons.

  • cobaltcupcake

    "we are near the 100 year mark, we are getting close to the wire."

    Would I be taking it out of context if I were to quote him as saying, "we are near the 100 year mark, we are getting close to serving the Kool-Aid."

    That's what I'm afraid of.


    The Odd Life of Jehovah's Witnesses

  • J. Hofer
    J. Hofer

    and there was me thinking that apostates were all about subliminal images.

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