I just recently learned that in Hebrew, Zedek also means Jupiter. When did this happen is unknown. And possibibly that the planet Jupiter was responsible for some catastrophes and things happening on Earth during that time.
It's odd and hard to know, the bible itself says how the scribes have written in lies, and speaking of the torah and law, scriptures in the bible seem to say that the scriptures themselves may have corruptions in them. And if Melchizedek was really a priest of pagans worshipping Jupiter, if a lot of the old testament ends up showing that they were also worshipping Baal, Marduk, and the pagans, how did the entire theme of not worshipping other gods, those gods, having idols, etc, all get there.
On one hand it looks like they were no different then the pagans. Or did all the paganism and paganistic aspects get written in and replaced in 300AD, or even before.
Anyway, I haven't listed much but wondering if anyone on this board has spent much time looking into the Melchizedek/Jupiter or perhaps it's the first time ever mentioned on this board.