Watchtower teachings on the length of human existence.

by free @ last 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Phizzy

    This is one of those things that J.W's dismiss as the experts, Scientists, Archaeologists etc simply getting it wrong, because the bible says different.

    We should use Black Sheep's method, ask them what is wrong with the expert opinion on all these sites and finds , and get them to explain, don't let them waffle something about "Dodgy carbon dating" without backing up what they say.

    It is an important issue, because once you get them to see that a literal interpretation of the Bible is impossible, and therfore it is all about interpretation, they can begin to see that they are listening to the thoughts of men.

  • notjustyet

    I have heard that Radio Carbon dating ( or what ever the correct name for it is) cannot be trusted since anything preflood (Noahs) would give wrong dating due to the radiation being blocked by the Sun preflood. Or something crazy like this.

    Also evidence in the strata could not be trusted due to the mountains being disrupted due to the flood since all the pressure from the water pushed mountains up and caused sea shells to be in the mountains etc.

    They will use whatever it takes to deflect any EVIDENCE that does not "fit" what the nomads from the middle east wrote down thousands of years ago.


  • TheOldHippie

    "they can begin to see that they are listening to the thoughts of men."

    Well, if you read the verses of the Bible dealing with chronology, I think it is very difficult not to reach a 6,000 years (apporx.) history since Adam. Hard to get around. So in stead of "thoughts of men" it is more like "thoughts of the Bible" ...............

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    The answer is covered in this thread

    "Safeguard Your Mind" assembly targeting apostate thinking

    They pull the same stunts that the Mormons do when confronted with DNA evidence that native Americans are not a lost tribe of Israel .... Apostate bashing and promoting ignorance as a virtue.

  • konceptual99

    In my experience all of this goes into the big bag that is the "ostrich syndrome". If I ever start a conversation with other witnesess on this type of subject all I get is basic head in the sand thinking... carbon dating is wrong, no accounting of the pre-flood water canopy has been taken, dendrochronology is so flawed to be useless, bones are taken out of context, massive assumptions are made by scientists visualising whole creatures from one bone fragment, the scientists only have one agenda and have to support their thinking... etc. etc. etc.

    I have to bite my tounge as all I get is suspicious looks if I ever even say anything like "Why is there no real refuting of current theories that have massive traction amongst those most educated in the science? When will the society pay any recognition to the physical evidence that sits in many natural history museums around the world?"

    As I have been advised by some of the most experienced posters on here, no one will see it until they want to.

  • undercover

    The WTS has cornered themselves with the creation of man a little over 6,000 years ago. And - they have locked the ransom sacrifice into this fairy tale story. Jesus came in human form to buy back what Adam lost. Think about that just for a second.

    If there was no Adam, then what the hell good was it for Jesus to die? The WTS' version of the ransom sacrifice becomes moot. And subsequently so does the Memorial service to recognize that sacrifice. Adam wasn't created 6,000 years ago. Jesus didn't die as a ransom. Therefore, what little the WTS allows Jesus to be part of their doctrinal belief comes crashing down.

  • konceptual99

    @undercover. That's the nub of it really. If Adam and Eve is not correct then the whole of the basis of WT doctrine falls down. Same with the 1914 date, generations etc. If those are not correct then the house of cards falls down.

    Trouble is that exposing this to those who don't want to see it gets you absolutely no where.

  • donny

    My wife, who is of Chinese decent, laughs at the 6000 year scenario. She said that Chinese history goes back that far and nowhere mentions Adam and Eve or Noah. She said "Asian people must have decended from Noahs progeny very quickly".

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    Really... is that it? The WT has said nothing about the many archeological digs or DNA evidence that virtually all scientist agree show human life here > 10,000 years ago? Terry, Leolaia where are you?

  • LostGeneration

    Why would they address something that they don't have to? Huge risk, zero reward.


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