Also there is this on the WT's stand on radiocarbon dating- first they of course say it's inaccurate, that it could be off by orders of magnitude, but then cite it as accurate to prove other things. Here's two examples:
*** w91 11/15 p. 4 Does Devotion to Relics Please God? ***
. is obvious that religious relics are often fraudulent. For instance, radiocarbon dating proved the Shroud of Turin to be a fraud. Interestingly, during the heated debate over it in 1988, the well-known Vatican observer Marco Tosatti asked: “If the scientific analysis used on the Shroud was applied to other objects of popular devotion, what would the verdict be?”
*** w08 12/15 p. 22 Ancient Cuneiform and the Bible *** .
...The book The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating compares the Bible’s history of Israel and Judah with ancient cuneiform texts. The result? “Altogether, 15 or 16 kings of Judah and Israel appear, in foreign sources, in complete agreement with their names and times in [the Bible book of] Kings. Not a single king is out of place, nor do foreign sources name one unknown to us in Kings. . . . So is RCD inaccurate? Or accurate? Or only accurate post-flood? Since there's no way there could have been a global flood (IMO) then that would mean it is a fairly accurate measurement of time, which opens up an entire other thread at least for me...