Does the Watchtower really parallel 1st Century Christianity?

by Emery 56 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • mP


    Christianity is an offshoot of the Jewish religion. A great percentage of early Christians were Jews. So, most Christian practices would have followed those of the Jews and not those of the Greeks. The Jews would not have tolerated the above, neither would the Christians for that matter. Just read what they thought of such practices in their writings. Here I give the Bible writers, especially those of the Christian Greek Scriptures or NT, the benefit of the doubt.


    And you base of all of this on what ? What proof have you got of what early xians said or did outside the Bible ? Even if we examine the pauls writings, they are hardly good. We have stories of Xians with slaves. Apparently life was soo good for these slaves, that they ran away and then Paul tells the slave to return ... Here is an opportunity to do the roight thing, but as we can see the early xians in pauls writings are the same as their neighbours. Some are selfish, greedy, cruel, kind. They arent different.

    You might want to also check your history of what the jews were up to in the 1st century. They were killing hundreds of thousnads simply because they were gentiles. They wree anything but good neighbors. If xians were no different from their jewish brethen, then yur argument is completely wrong. They were bigots and evil opportunists when they had the oppotunity in the OT. This attitude continued until the 1st century.


    Early Christians did stand out for being exemplary, and that's why they were persecuted. That you can read in Roman historical works and letters.


    Have you actually examined the proofs that xians even existed in any numbers in the 1st century ? You do realise that all these persecution stories are mosty traditions from the RCC. The same RCC that tells us Peter was martyred in the 60s and yet he is still alive 40+ years late rto write 1 & 2 Peter .

    In what way were 1st xians exemplary ? Were they good ebcause they kept slaves and treated women as equals ?

  • Vidiot
    mp: Given Paul had an education and spoke Greek theres a reasonable chance he was a boy involved in such a relationship himself as was typical of teacher, students. All of his letter are in Greek to communities in a Greek world. Given he failed to condemn this, then he obviously had no motivation to condemn it as it was fine in his eyes, just like the unequal treatment of women was acceptable to him.

    Um, I thought he DID condemn it...

    Although, if he had experienced it (on the receiving end), and didn't like it, it would definately explain the condemnation.

    Hmm... Paul being an grown victim of childhood sexual victimization would sure explain a shitload of things...

  • Emery

    @mP, I think you're getting off track here. Lets try to apply what we and scholars do know about 1st century Christianity instead of attacking every little comment someone made here. I think this would be beneficial for all the JW lurkers that visit this site.

  • donny

    Recovery said " First century Christians acknowledged the importance of the Divine Name as did Jezus = same with JWs."

    Please show me one piece of credible evidence to back that up. Not one fragment of an any early New testatment manuscript has been found to contain the tetragrammaton. None of the early church fathers used it either.

  • Vidqun

    See writings of Tacitus, Suetonis, and Pliny the Younger. They wrote about the Christians without propaganda purposes. They were historians and reported the facts.

  • jgnat

    Pliny the Younger was a contemporary. His description of early Christian life bears little resemblance to the Witnesses. Are they given to breaking bread together with prayer and hymns? Last I heard, they'd cancelled the lunch service at the conventions.

  • jgnat

    Recovery: 1st century Christians had the hope of becoming kings and priests in heaven =same with anointed JWs

    Well, if that isn't talking out of both sides of your mouth..... would you explain to a householder how this has virtually disappeared from the congregations and that those who do partake are considered...batty? Or would you wait until the memorial service and allow the speaker to hopscotch through the scriptures to explain why current Witnesses observe but do not partake in this most honored memorial?

    Recovery, I see that you failed to mention the door-to-door ministry. Is that because you know it would not hold up as a practice of the first century?

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