2012 Annual Meeting

by obarac 196 Replies latest jw friends

  • baltar447

    Oh lordie lordie! In less than 24 hours we should have a report of what the new Shit, I mean noo lite is! I can hardly wait!

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    I doubt news will travel that fast, but you never know!

  • Branded Rebel
    Branded Rebel

    Do they still do door knocks to invite the general public to them? I know they used to in OZ.

    My mum went to one earlier in the year.

    They released a dvd aimed at kids. Mum gave me a copy for my daughter. I tried to keep an open mind and let my daughter decide. It made my blood boil when the dvd was one sided (as are most of their things) and encouraged kids (in my opinion as a parent) to be intolerant of other kid's feelings. I drew the line when the cartoon mother encouraged her son to throw away a toy his friend gave him at school. The kid listened and threw it in the bin! Now how would the kid who owned the toy view JW's if that toy was the kid's favourite? Kids share things all the time - it's part of learning social skills. No wonder growing up in a JW hosehold makes kids into brain dead social retards. The DVD in question was titled 'Listen, Obey and be Blessed' = seriousy???

    The mother in the dvd should have encouraged her kid to give the toy back to the other child and at the very least explain why he couldn't play with it to his friend...That's just my 2c on the matter.

    Thank goodness I was there with my child to watch that so I could explain to her that this was NOT the way to treat a friend's belongings, or a friend's feelings.

    Way to go WT for breeding a new generation of intolerant human beings who are mindless to the feelings of others who do not share your views. Real 'loving' of you.

  • konceptual99

    So the overlapping gens came out at the general meeting 3 years ago - by that I assume you mean 2010 as it come out big time at the convention in the summer of 2011. So some people would not have got the new light until a year after the privileged ones with tickets got it. Thanks for the food at the proper time.

  • obarac

    At what time AM starts?

  • mP

    Why doesnt someome just film and record it with a gopro or similar.

  • lostinthought

    It starts at about 930, I really could care less about it and I don't want to go...but I am. I'll get the highlights of the program up ASAP.

  • obarac

    Tnx m8. only 2 hours to go ....

  • notjustyet

    You know that if you were to create a "fan" facebook page that there is an app that would allow you to stream the video direct to that FB page for all to see.

    Anyone going that could pull this off?


  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    LOSTINTHOUGHT - you're the best!

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