2012 Annual Meeting

by obarac 196 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Nu lite: there is an 11th toe, it's the camel's toe. It's the antetype of the governing body.

  • Eustace

    gotta maintain that 4.0 GPA if I want to get into a good graduate program!


    They really invited a college boy to the annual meeting?

  • Eustace

    Just got it on good authority that Bethel has recalled all missionaries in the field to make it back home to HQ to be present at the Annual Meeting for a significant announcement regarding a new understanding of:


    Are they going to change back the generation thing to the anointed?

    Or is it going to be 2034 or bust?

    And here I was thinking the change was going to have to do with letting chicks be Ministerial Servants…

  • Hermano

    Do they telecast this meeting to different assambly halls around the US?

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    This thread has me salivating for something that otherwise would be meaningless to me LOL. I'm dying to find out what the big deal will be tomorrow. I have this nagging feeling based upon experience that it will be a big hey to do over nothing. Something silly like they're going to remove the middle song during meetings and only have an opening and closing song because too many people were using the bathroom during the middle song.

  • elderelite

    Miz, im sure its all hype over nothing. I mean really, if they change a lie to a different lie, does it really matter? Is it worth getting excited over? Its just window dressing and distraction to keep the masses in awe

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    EE, I don't think they really can afford to make a change too big for fear of giving JWs an excuse to walk out the door.

  • sir82

    If it really is something to do with "Bible prophecy", I'd wager they've pegged a new "king of the north". "Exciting" enough to get the masses all whipped up and convinced that the end is "very soon now", but meaningless enough to not tie them to a particular date or appear too outlandish.

    If that is it, I'd bet it is one of the following (in order of likelihood):

    1) China

    2) Russia

    3) Iran

    4) Arabic / Islamic countries in general

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    They really invited a college boy to the annual meeting?

    EUSTACE - Sure! They're hoping I get into a good law school. . .

    Actually, the "they" in this instance is a Bethel couple we know from way back. My wife thinks that we got the invite (I guess they are given extra tickets) because she sent them a nice "gift" earlier this year. They are actually genuinely nice folks.

    HERMANO - no, but I believe it is televised live at bethel in Walkill and Patterson.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    Forgot about the King of the North nonsense!!!!!! Hmmm..........gonna have to go home and study up on some things. I almost posted some thoughts that might not necessarily correlate with WT doctrine, particulary on Gog of Magog. Gog and the King of the North coincide right? Or not? I'm at work, and can't recall at this time. Gog from what I recall gets led into battle, drawn in by hooks. The King of the North recieves word of something so disturbing that he can't help but be drawn into battle. Israel which basically pimps the US, is probably in the near future going to attack Iran over it's nuclear ambitions, or at the least using it as an excuse to send a message to the rest of the Middle East. With Iraq gone and all the leaders of the other middle eastern countries having trouble keeping their own people in check, an economically vulnerable Iran would look like food to Israel right about now.

    Being that the US is Israel's bitch, it always made more sense to me that the verse about a Gentile grabbing hold onto the skirt of a Jew would make more sense if applied to the US rather than the WT's self serving interpretation of that verse.

    I probably got all of the previously mentioned messed up. It's the weekend, thank Satan it's Friday, ready to cut loose! Have a good weekend everybody!!!!

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