2012 Annual Meeting

by obarac 196 Replies latest jw friends

  • St George of England
    St George of England

    Most JW's couldn't explain what the current definition of FDS is, so any change will be largely unnoticed.


  • Tylinbrando

    Most JW's couldn't explain what the current definition of FDS is, so any change will be largely unnoticed.

    Agreed, Just tried it out on two 14 year olds, one mid thirties, and two late 70s.

    The teens said: It's the guys in Brooklyn that make the rules

    Thirty something said: It's the Governing Body but they've always placated the partakers by including them....

    The old timers said: It's all those who are "annointed" within the organization.

    Good Grief......

  • elderelite

    All animals are equal. Some are just more equal than others


    Has this been confirmed?

  • Fencing

    So would this be THE big change in doctrine that we had heard rumored was coming this year? The one that they were going to have to prep the elders for in the special KMS at the end of the year?

  • MC RubberMallet
    MC RubberMallet
    So would this be THE big change in doctrine that we had heard rumored was coming this year? The one that they were going to have to prep the elders for in the special KMS at the end of the year?

    You know it will piss off all 12,000 anointed friends! Now their anointed status really mean nothing in the "fleshly" part of Jehovah's organization.

  • jookbeard

    love to be able to speak to an "anointed" somewhere!

  • tootired2care

    This just gets more interesting with every passing decade. This hearkins back to Fred Franz's views (then vice pesident of the wt corp.) on who Jesus wanted running the show. It's always been just another corporation full of people in competetion for power, using claims of Jesus backing [Probably voices in their heads...LOL] for justification.


    "Perhaps even more illuminating as regards this view of being “mantle-ized” was an expression made that same year, 1978, during a session of what was now the Writing Committee of the Governing Body.

    Present were Lyman Swingle, Ewart Chitty, Lloyd Barry, Fred Franz and myself. A commentary on the Letter of James was being written by Ed Dunlap, and Fred Franz had asked for an adjustment to Dunlap’s discus- sion of James, chapter three, verse 1, where the disciple says: Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, knowing that we shall receive heavier judgment. The material Dunlap had prepared said that this evidently was a warning against unqualified individuals seeking to serve as teachers simply because of a desire for prominence. Fred Franz asked for the elimination of most of the material but gave no particular explanation for his objections except to ask in writing:

    If Jesus gave some to be teachers, how many was he to give? And since Jesus does the giving, how could James tell the men “not many of you should become teachers”? How did James himself become a teacher?

    Since I had been assigned to oversee the project of the commentary’s development, at the Committee hearing I asked Fred Franz to clarify his objection and tell us just what he thought was meant by this text. He stated that he believed it meant that it was God’s will that there be just a few men in the entire Christian congregation who could rightly be called “teachers.” I inquired who such would be in our time. Speaking very calmly his reply was:

    Well, I believe that I am. I have been here at headquarters for over fifty years and have been involved in the field of writing and research during most of that time, so I believe that I am. And—there are some other brothers throughout the earth who are.

    This response was another occasion when the effect was so startling that the words were, in effect, burned into my memory. I was not the only witness to them since they were spoken before the other three members of the Writing Committee. By his remark we had had identified for us only one teacher on earth by name: Fred Franz. Who the others were, we were left to speculate. As I told Lyman Swingle on more than one occasion thereafter, I regretted not having pursued the matter further by asking for names of the other “teachers” of our time. But the response left me momentarily speechless." -Crisis of Conscience pages 100-101.

  • Chariklo

    The next step will be the GB declaring, in a few years' time, that there is no anointed class. The rest of the world knows this anyway.

    What they will never do is admit the other important thing that the rest of the world knows, namely that there is no faithful and discreet slave.

    Cedars wrote

    The Watchtower, on the other hand, needs to provide a plausible explanation as to how Jesus selected an entity to be his Faithful and Discreet Slave in 1919 that didn't exist until 1971. I don't envy them.

    They won't be able ever to provide that explanation, however much they twist themselves up in knots. Somewhere in their hearts they know perfectly well that there is no such entity, and that that whole passage is a parable, told by Jesus to emphasise the importance of faithfulness, trustworthiness and obedience to God.

    The New World Translation chose to use a definite article "the" instead of the indefinite article, "a", for obvious reasons. It gave them a means to create this imaginary, fictional entity that has a direct hotline to a God who communicates directly only through this "slave", in other words those who put themselves in a position of absolute authority over all the "sheep".

    All a complete, cynical, manipulative fabrication.

  • elderelite

    Totally agree charlie. This is the end of the annointed.

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