Well since the heavenly calling is not yet complete, GB replacements might suddenly get the urge to go to heaven after all.
2012 Annual Meeting
by obarac 196 Replies latest jw friends
JW GoneBad
As recently as 6/15/09 the WT had in print that all remnant anointed were part of the FDS:
• Do all anointed Christians on earth share in providing spiritual food?
No. All who are anointed with God’s spirit are part of the faithful and discreet slave class, but those making up the Governing Body oversee the spiritual feeding.—6/15/09 pages 22-24
Gayle - "The GB just did an official "mass" deletion of about 12,000 claiming FDS members/partakers."
Remember a while back Dogpatch wrote a piece about how high control groups fragment into schisms at a certain point in their lifetimes?
A lot of the (professed) anointed are revered among the R&F. I wonder if this could help that fragmentation along...
Does anyone else get the impression that the society did it this way - releasing information slowly - to test the apostate reactions first, so that they can more carefully craft their WT articles explaining all of this to R&F? In other words do you think that it's likely that the wt$ is using our commentary for their own advantage?
tootired2care - "Does anyone else get the impression that the society did it this way - releasing information slowly - to test the apostate reactions first, so that they can more carefully craft their WT articles explaining all of this to R&F? In other words do you think that it's likely that the wt$ is using our commentary for their own advantage?"
That assumes GB2.0 actually thinks that anything said in the XJW community might be worth listening to.
Since when have authoritarian high control groups valued anything said by their enemies? The WTS doesn't even want an independant pro-WT prescence on the net.
I think they do listen, anyone that is as crafty and cunning as they are, would live by the principle of "keeping your enemies closer". It just seems inconceivable that they would not put this information out to everyone all at once for something this big. I just have the feeling that they did it this way to test the waters; because they suspect it's going to cause some major fallout, and the risk of doing it this way was worth it perhaps.
Theocratic Sedition
It just seems inconceivable that they would not put this information out to everyone all at once for something this big.
The problem might be your own perspective on this, and mine's too. What we consider "big" actually will not be that big of a deal to the average JW I'm thinking. "This Generation" was huge for some people, big enough that it caused some people to leave the organization, but they weren't even a blip on the radar compared to all the JWs who didn't notice the change, or didn't care about the change. I get the feeling this change with the FDS will largely be the same. This thread has had over 13,000 views, unknown how many of those views are recurring posters. There's what, 1,200,000 JWs in the US give or take. The equivalent of 1%(13,000) of the total poplulation of JWs in the States is showing concern over this change in understanding. Time will tell if this change will cause some serious ripples or not, but if history is any indicator of how this change might affect the organization, I'd gamble that there will be minimal damage.
Haven't finished reading all the comments so sorry if this has been said.
We'll have to wait and see if this change even makes it to print. They may see how it was picked apart and decide to tweak it or drop it to spare them any further embarassment.
I dunno. The 1995 generation change didn't register with me - I didn't see the ramifications - I was asleep. My dh was the one who alerted me to it and said "No, this IS a big deal!" A couple of others at the KH were really rocked by it at the time. They eventually calmed down and still attend. It took a few more years before I properly woke up (other issues) and smelled the coffee.
This one, I think is a little different. It is an 80+ year old 'sacred cow.' Maybe it'll depend somewhat on how it's packaged in future WTs. But you don't mess with this FDS doctrine without some of the sleepiest JWs feeling like the blankets have been suddenly ripped off them. I guess we'll have to wait and see.
And the GB has been preparing the R&F for radical changes for a couple or more years now - 'Even if new changes make no sense/Even if you cannot understand, wait on Jah for further clarification/stick with Jah's org., etc.'
Trouble is, if the 'slave' hasn't been judged yet as either being faithful/discreet or evil, then it further undermines their present demands for unquestioning obedience - should the domestics obey a slave that turns out to be abusive or incompetent?
And what about the 1918 inspection? How does that fit in? Or does it? Wheat and weeds, ten virgins, other peripheral prophecies that dovetailed with the previous interpretation.
The GB are going to have to plug a lot of brand new holes.
yup Ann, i noticed what you just sat about GB prepping the r&f "even if new changes make no sense/even if youcannot understand, wait on Jah, stick to org". its one of the bigger things thatstarted waking me up.
if this is true (is the proof of this anywhere?) i think the GB has a lot more planned.
i mean what do you do when you convince millions you have absolute god given control and authority??? you get REAL weird with it.