Well, with all the "SELF WORSHIP" I've done over the years, I suppose I worship myself. But I was doing that before I got "out". :)
Seriously, I do not feel a spiritual side, I do not feel the need to worship, pay homage, etc. (The analogy I like to use: some people don't feel the need to exercise, some people don't feel the need to push their cuticles back, some people don't feel the need to *NOT* fart in an elevator. People are different and have different needs and wants, and mine don't include spirituality. However, I *DO* recognize that some people feel this way, and I respect that.
If force to choose a religious category, I would say "non-practising Humanist". From the website http://www.humanism.org/
The humanist movement is an international organization formed by people of different ages, origins, culture and religion, united by the project to build a truly human society. A society in which the human being, with his needs and aspirations, is the central value. A society in which human rights are completely realized: the right to health, instruction, freedom, spirituality, search for the meaning of life, and an existence with dignity.
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