I felt totally Awwwwesome:)!!! last night partying in my Darth Vader Costume, very first time I celebrated Halloween and the girls on the dance floor loved it:)
How did you feel when you first celebrated Halloween or Christmas
by trujw 42 Replies latest jw experiences
Most adults (non-jw) are not that interested in adult parties. Too busy taking kids and grandkids from door to door.
Birthdays.........A nice card, but gifts are not necessary. I have found that it is a core group of non-jws that make a big deal. At work it is embarrassing because they make a big deal for some and ignore others.
I have learned that getting one year older is better than the alternative though.
We have jobs now involving children so our viewpoint has expanded.
I always liked the light on the side of houses and in trees. In ancourge alaska they had a vary tall sproose or pine tree tree covered in white lights. It was so pretty. Just always liked blue and white lights, and abstract and sureal things and will likly love the lights this year. With out needing to not say anything about me liking them. As I will not have to worry about my sister bitching, I am looking forword to my first dec 25 and more importently I want to see a good new years party. I had a naber that had a public new years party. I walked outside and wished I could be there. They were singing and drinking and shooting of fireworks, and playing music and dancing. I walked outside and set in my backyard watching the fireworks and stars. Newyears I look forword too. Cristmas not so much. Plus my cousen already is complaining that I got him to nice of a gift. (12GB of high speed ram) And that he will not be able to get me the same level of gift. My aunt and her doughter are worried about what to get as well, and it just seems like bad thing: Like it is just to drive money into the banks of rich stock holders and CEO's. Piece -- SNB