Stop fighting about Oompa.

by Robert7 58 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robert7

    I am writing this because I am so upset about the bickering and fighting that is going on about Oompa. This was an amazing wonderful, peaceful, giving man who never met a strager who is now deceased and you are taking his name and running all over the place with it using it for your own agendas. He is NOT a statistic. He is NOT something to be used in a 'fight' against the damn society. You seriously give apostates a BAD named and I am ashamed of these actions.

    I have also had enough of ... how shall I say, ones who act like they know him but thru their words and actions a two year old could see you know nothing of my Oompa and he would have never supported anything you say. You know family he didn't speak to. This was not a bi-polar reaction but a well thought out choice that I fully support. Go ahead and ask them why if you dont know, though I would guess you do. I do. He wanted no part, and rightfully so. How dare they do that to him.

    I do know there are most of you that were touched by him and genuinely cared for him and are now floundering at something to do to help yourselves heal at this time, and for you I totally understand, and am sorry. I really wanted to come in and help answer questions and give any direction since I'm right here and able, instead this is what I find. I am sorry that we have to put up with this stupidity when we should be having time to grieve. I have to plan my best friends memorial and it's all I can do right now. His friends and family will be grieving him properly. Dealing with this is an added burdon that is not necessary.

    This board reminds me of wild dogs fighing over his body. How dare you. You should be ashmed.

    I showed Oompas friends that didn't know about this board links to this site to show how wonderful the outpouring of love was... and instead they were disgusted. What a horrible 'witness' of 'awakened' people there can be.

  • Quirky1

    I know I didn't know Oompa they way you did but all of my conversations with him were great... He helped me in my time of need..

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I know there a few haters out there that just can't stand any good coming out of anything, but really? Disgusted? Did they ignore the other 99% of people that weren't haters?

  • BabaYaga

    Well said, and thank you for saying it. I'm so sorry you are having to cope with this nonsense as well as everything else.

  • undercover

    I agree...

    Robert, you have a PM



    It`s a tough time for those of us who interacted with Eric here and off the Board..

    The Assh*les are Few..

    Unfortunatley they make the Most Noise..

    ................................... ...OUTLAW

  • watson

    It looks like we are all victims of suicide.

  • Robert7

    I'm sorry to be so broad and general you're right 'wha happened', yes they did appreciate the facts of everyone wanting to get together, send flowers and cards it is so touching, it really is. They had no idea his almost 'celebrity' status out in the cyber world and it was nice to share how much he was loved by this group of people they had never heard of. Unfortunately its just like one bad apple can spoil the bunch- and thats the one you stare at and notice. I do know its most by far that are just griving like the rest of us, I just tremendously felt like something needed to be said.

    Thank you, the board in general for your caring thoughts and kind words and outpouring of love toward him and his family. That is what he would have appreciated. I took a lot of pride in taking care of him, and aparently failed tragically... now I wanted to help you all grieve and wanted to share anything I could to help with this process. I know anything you want to know about the man and I wanted to help but I got so sideswiped by the small fraction that really seemed to come out of nowhere. Normally I would be able to see beyond that, yes. I think just with this emotional state I have not been able to get around it. I do apologize to the vast majority that are being so kind at this very difficult time.

  • mrsjones5

    Well said, totally agree.

  • 144001

    I think it's poor form to exploit Eric's passing in furtherance of anyone's agenda or to bicker about anything in memorial threads. Engaging in such conduct provides fodder for the Watchtower apologists to utilize in their quest to label all of us as bitter, crazy, and of course, "demonic."

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