JW's misrepresenting their relationship with xjws.

by panhandlegirl 40 Replies latest jw friends

  • panhandlegirl


    Just a note: this is not about wanting to be accepted by JWs.This is about JWs being dishonest about their real relationship with ex-JWs

    Yes, you are correct, it is about dishonesty. It is about "how dare you use my name and pretend you and I have have a relationship." I will be sure to make that perfectly clear. I will reread the letter to make sure that is made clear. Thanks for your comment.


  • 00DAD

    PHG, I agree with LHG.

    Love your handles you two!

  • panhandlegirl

    00DAD, Thanks, as I told LHG, I will make it perfectly clear that I do not want their frienship or approval. Although, I do not expect an answer from the BOE, I am bracing myself for a phone call from my uber jw sisters or nephews.You know they don't like it when we don't know our place.

    Thanks for liking my handle. I might have been more creative had I paid more attention to other's handles. I think your handle is very original.


  • 00DAD

    PHG: You know they don't like it when we don't know our place.

    And we don't like it when they don't know theirs! .... lol

    Fucking control freaks.

    Stalin would've been proud.


  • Scott77


    Did you also thought of sharing the letter with the local media? I thought a local newspaper might be interested to publish it. Please, about calling a local tv affiliate in the area for an interview about the experience? You might even try several Local tv stations to find out which one might be interested in your experiences. I think, this is one cheap way of hitting them hard on a large scale. You know, the JW as very conscious of their image.

    Good luck


  • panhandlegirl

    Scott77, I had intended to have it printed in the local paper where they live but their mother, my aunt, died today. If my Catholic cousin appoves of my having it published, I will do it. If he says no, I will have

    to respect his wishes. I will however have it published in my hometown, which is a large city. I think it should have an impact because the world is not aware of how xjws are shunned and mistreated by jws.


  • booker-t

    I totally agree with Mrs.Jones. No matter how much you want to believe your relatives and friends still JWs will not talk about you they will trust me. My relatives and friends think I have pitchforks and ouiji boards at my house. By their standards I must be sleeping around and having orgies. All I do is work full time and go to school full time for my Master's Degree. You are fighting a losing battle. JW's are so indoctrinated to think exjws are evil that this is the only way they can see you. My own brother and his family literally ran away from me at the supermarket and all I was doing was buying a dozen eggs. You would have thought I was buying a book on Satanism. I have learned to just live my life and not expect them to change. And the funny thing about my "holier than thou brother" is his own son was caught in bed with a hooker a few months ago in my devout JW's mother's home. They are hyprocrits plan and simple. They look down on everybody else but there own backyard is flithy. The best revenge on them is to live a good life and prove them wrong. Good luck and don't give JWs so much power over you. Live your life and have fun. It took me 20 years after I left to get in this frame of mind and I will never look back. Jehovah and Jesus are my judge not JWs.

  • Hortensia

    Oh, it's just gossip, they do a lot of that. And isn't it interesting he felt that pretending to know you enhanced his own reputation? Pathetic.

    Let it go.

  • panhandlegirl

    booker-t, it is not their talking about me among themselves that bothers me, it is their misrepresenting their relationship to me to my friends that makes me angry. If they are going to shun me, then they should not act as though we have a relationship to the world, to my friends or my associates. I feel I am being used. It is deceitful on their part.They do not have the guts to tell people that they are shunning xjws. I guess I want to call them out and make them admit that they shun xjws. I feel that I have to speak up for myself. I know it will not change things but they may learn not to mess with me. I just learned a new French term from the dictionary: a bon chat, bon rat, which means to a good cat, a good rat: retaliation in kind. I may be petty, but my uber jw cousins treat me like dirt and I feel I have to say something on my behalf. This man, who I have never met or seen is acting like we are friends and it just makes me angry. I want the world to know how Jehovah's Witnesses really are.


  • panhandlegirl

    Has anyone ever written a letter to the BOE as a xjw? If so, what kind of response have you received?


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