Moyle did not receive a reply from the Aebys, so he wrote to them again:
Olin R. Moyle to Fred and Jessie Aebly, 9 Jan. 1940: "I haven't had the courtesy of a reply to my letter of December 30th. One of the very amazing circumstances in connection with this whole business is the fact that many brethren are absolutely indifferent to facts and truth in this campaign against yours truly. Let me give you a couple of examples. The statement called INFORMATION in the October 15th WATCHTOWER alleged that every paragraph of my letter to Judge Rutherford except the first was false and full of lies. Shortly before this letter appeared one of the directors who signed it wrote to me, admitted the major portion of my letter to be true, and attempted to justify Brother Rutherford's scolding of his brethren and discrimination against them. Later he signed his name to the statement that the whole letter was false. He lied in one of those letters, didn't he? This so-called INFORMATION further alleged that I was going about among the companies circulating the letter and causing division among the companies. LeRoy Jackson of Racine had written in stating Harvey Fink and I were engaged in that practice. His letter is false and proof of its falsity was submitted to the Society. Nevertheless neither the Society or Jackson have made any corrections. Howlett also did his little bit. At some places in his journey thru this area he told the brethren that the reason Moyle had written his letter to the Judge was that the Judge had given Moyle a trimming and Moyle couldn't take it. This was absolutely false, and apparently put forward to show a motive for wrongdoing on my part. And then comes the Tower with the letter from Waukegan signed by you two and a number of others. That doesn't conform to the facts, does it? It may be that you have an explanation to give....
In all this campaign of smearing we are learning who are friends and who are not. I do not mean to infer that every person who thinks I did wrong is not a friend. One dear old sister in a neighboring town told me that she was sorry I had left the Truth. No amount of explanation on my part would persuade her otherwise. In view of all the stuff that she has read in the Tower she could not be blamed for so thinking. I still consider her my friend in spite of her opinion of me. But, some for various reasons have joined the campaign and added their own pieces of misinformation to the others. That is certainly not friendship, or even decency. We thought you two were friends and you can't imagine how distressing it is to find we were mistaken".
A few weeks later Moyle received a reply:
Fred and Jessie Aebly to Olin R. Moyle, 24 Jan. 1940: "Now for the reason for signing our name to that letter in the Watch Tower. We have believed and still believe that the Watch Tower is the Channel that the Lord has used for many years and is still using. In order to be one of the Lord's people we must be one hundred per cent for that Channel. As you know our whole Company signed that letter. You state in your letter that we asked you for that letter you wrote to Bro. Rutherford, that is true, we did, nevertheless we know of other brethren in other companies that rec'd copies of that same letter without requesting same. The Lord has said in His Word that He would put those out of His Temple who cause discord amongst the brethren....
If all you said in that letter were true, it wasn't your place to clean out Bethel, the Lord has given His angels that job....We are living in perilous times and the wicked spirits are ever ready to take possession of our minds in any unguarded moment. We have always thought highly of you, and it hurt plenty to see one that we have known for so many years and learned to love dearly, take such a course of action. But in order that we may maintain our own integrity we must stand by the Lord's Channel, the Watch Tower, Bible and Tract Society. If you have the right heart condition as you claim you would welcome correction from the Lord as stated in 'Matt 5:39' and would be glad to make amends for the wrong you have done to Bro. Rutherford and the brethren at Bethel. When you do make amends we will be glad to call you our brother and associate with you as we did in the past, but until such time we must do as the scripture says in Rom. 16:17, 18".