Yes, here is the trial transcript:
Rutherford's smear campaign (a must read)
by Leolaia 198 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Lady Lee
as usual excellent work Leolaia
#7J. F. Rutherford to Olin R. Moyle at the Meeting of the Board of Directors, 8 Aug. 1939: "I have been at this desk for 22 years. I have had many accusations from the 'evil servant,' but never had I had a worse one than this, if as bad. The complaint about me having different places in which to reside is the very language of the evil servant class....The brethren everywhere know the facts, and they know that I do not own a foot of land under the sun; that these provisions have been made to further the kingdom....I have been criticized in this letter for having an air-conditioned room. Brother Van Amburgh will bear witness to this, that my office is the hottest room in the building, right under the roof and difficult therein to get good air....I think the criticism about that is a cold-blooded cruelty, no matter whom it comes from. If it enables me to work, why should somebody criticize except one who has the spirit of the evil servant. Every rebuke I have administered has been given, as I believe, in the interest of the Society. The Apostle Paul was the special spokesman for the Lord Jesus Christ. As the Watchtower has stated, Timothy and Titus pictured the Society and as the Lord through Paul instructed them so the Lord through the Society directs others. The Society speaks by its official Head. To Timothy Paul said: 'They that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.' (1 Tim. 5:20) ....
As I have often stated to some of the brethren, it hurts me far more to administer a rebuke than it does the one who receives it. If I see something in the organization going wrong, as I believe, then I would be unfaithful to the Lord if I did not rebuke such wrongdoer....I have made no discrimination with reference to marriage. When Bonnie Boyd got married that was her business. It was my business to determine whether or not she should remain in the home. I either had to let her husband remain here or else dispense with her services. She had been my secretary for fifteen years and the most efficient one that I have had in the office. She has taken dictation for everything I have written, speeches, magazine articles, Watchtower, books and booklets. It was for me to determine whether she should remain in the office.... If others in this house use filthy language, that is their responsibility. The statement that filthy jokes are told at the table and that the family laughs at these and these only, is a damnable outrage and any man who says that such is the case is a deliberate liar....
Liquor: This charge is vicious. I have always been open and aboveboard about such matters....You denounce me as the 'god of wine', which is the meaning of Bacchus, which is the word you use. You had to go to mythology and not to the Scriptures and find this name for me. Mythology proceeds from the Devil and other wicked spirits. Jesus made wine, the apostle advised that it be taken in moderation and you are welcome to compare their statements to that of the evil spirits, if you wish. If your statement is not of the evil servant then I am not able to understand it....Now I say this to you, Moyle, you have allied yourself with the Devil; you have willingly, without any just cause or excuse even, withdrawn yourself from the Lord's organization, and you are going back to the Devil's organization to engage in the practice of law. I have never known any man to withdraw from the Lord's organization and go into the Devil's organization that ended up right. When you say you want to continue to fight for the Lord, there is not a person in this presence that believes a word of that. Henceforth you shall never represent the Watchtower by my consent. This Resolution has been adopted. I shall follow it. You have served notice to leave September 1. You need not wait but move out of the house this day. If you wish to join the enemy and fight, do so. I have no use for a quitter. I am sure the Lord God has no use for a quitter. You are a quitter".#8:Meeting of the Board of Directors of the Watchtower Society, 8 Aug. 1939: "BROTHER HEATH: Moyle, I wish to propound to you this question, Are you a Jesuit? MOYLE: Absolutely no, a thousand miles from it. BROTHER RUTHERFORD: You might explain, Moyle, why you were so familiar in the court with McDonald, patting him on the back, when you knew he was one of the leaders in the assault on the Lord's organization at Madison Square Garden. Had you performed your duty to our brethren the situation would have been far better for us now in the fight with the enemy who attempted to break up the Madison Square Garden meeting".
#9:Resolution adopted by the Board of Directors, 8 Aug. 1939: "For four years the writer of that letter has been entrusted with the confidential matters of the Society. It now appears that the writer of that letter, without excuse, libels the family of God at Bethel, and identifies himself as one who speaks evil against the Lord's organization, and who is a murmurer and complainer, even as the Scriptures have foretold (Jude 4-16; 1 Corinthians 4:3; Romans 14:4). The members of the Board of Directors hereby resent the unjust criticism appearing in that letter, disapprove of the writer and his actions and recommends that the President of the Society immediately terminate the relationship of O. R. Moyle to the Society as legal counsel and as a member of the Bethel Family".
Marking - Thanks Leolaia
Oh my. Based upon what a friend told me about his experience at bethel, it hasn't changed much!
Wow this is great so far! What a friggin moronic bastard Rutherford was....this is the guy who had the drunken revelation that the heavenly hope closed for everyone in goodness this should be made into a movie.
On route to Wisconsin, Mr. Moyle wrote to friends describing what happened next.
Olin R. Moyle to Mr. Confehrs, 9 Aug. 1939: "The lightning struck yesterday. JFR called a meeting of the W.T. Board of Directors. My letter was read and the Board recommended my immediate dismissal. Then the letter was read at the table at noon, and the family unanimously supported the action of the Board of Directors. Therefore we - the Moyle family-were ordered to pack up our goods and get out that afternoon. That was some task but we got them packed, and I am now waiting for the moving van to start them on the way to Wisconsin. Therefore - don't send any more letters to me at Brooklyn. I don't have an extra copy of the letter to JFR at hand just now but will send you one in due time".
#11Olin R. Moyle to John G. Miller, 10 Aug. 1939: "The lightning struck on return from vacation. Tuesday morning the judge called the Board of Directors together and asked me to be present at the meeting. My letter was read and the Board recommended that I be expelled from Bethel immediately. That noon the three of us, wife, Peter and myself were ordered to pack our goods and be out before night. It was some task but we got our goods together, got a van, and are headed westward. The judge consigned me to the evil servant class, called me a religionist. Heath claimed that I was actually a Jesuit, some someone is busily circulating the story that I recommended to parents in Massachusetts that it would be good to send their expelled children to a military school. This is the beginning, so before long I expect my reputation will be pretty well shot to pieces. I am removed from participation in all cases, and the judge says that as far as he is able to present it, I will never again represent any of the brethren in court. All of this comes for making a personal, private protest to JFR against some of his actions. I'm not complaining. It's not pleasant to be kicked about in that fashion, but I'll continue serving the Lord and fighting the enemy in every way He gives me opportunity".
#12Olin R. Moyle to Brother G. W. Chambers, 11 Aug. 1939: "Since vacation things have happened fast - so fast that we are now ex-Bethelites and on our way to Wisconsin. Tuesday morning the Judge called a joint meeting of the Boards of Directors of the two cooperations and asked me to be present with them. At the meeting my letter of July 21st in which I protested over some of his actions was read. The Boards took prompt action by recommending that I be immediately expelled from Bethel....The family under presidential pressure supported the action and a large number of them promptly snubbed us in good style....In addition Bill Heath claimed I was a 'Jesuit'. That's not a joke - an actual claim. And some other unknown person started circulating a story that I had advised parents in Massachusetts that it would be all right to send their expelled students to a military school. So it appears that before many weeks go by I'll have a pretty black reputation among the Lord's people. But we are not complaining. We are going back to Wisconsin and shall do all we can to give witness to the Kingdom and fight the modern Philistines.... We must get back, get settled, and get to earning some money so we can continue to eat. We are pulling our trailer and dodging the big cities including Pittsburgh. In all probability the story will in due time come to you and other friends that the letter I sent to JFR was a malicious, libelous document. I'm not giving it general circulation as I do not care to start a rumpus throughout the organization. It contained my reasons for deciding to return to private practice and I shall use it where necessary to defend my good name, and the good name of my wife and son. I value the friendship of you and Sister Chambers, so if any such stories come to you, I will be glad to send you a copy of the letter to you any time that you feel you would like to read it".
I'm imagining a Hollywood blockbuster's got the makings.
Who would we star, say as Rutherford?
Thank you for going to all this trouble, Leolaia.
Thank you, Leolaia. A fascinating read. I have read parts of it before but putting it in chronological order brought it to life.