I have been at this desk for 22 years. I have had many accusations from the 'evil servant,' but never had I had a worse one than this, if as bad. The complaint about me having different places in which to reside is the very language of the evil servant class....The brethren everywhere know the facts, and they know that I do not own a foot of land under the sun; that these provisions have been made to further the kingdom....I have been criticized in this letter for having an air-conditioned room. Brother Van Amburgh will bear witness to this, that my office is the hottest room in the building, right under the roof and difficult therein to get good air....I think the criticism about that is a cold-blooded cruelty, no matter whom it comes from. If it enables me to work, why should somebody criticize except one who has the spirit of the evil servant. Every rebuke I have administered has been given, as I believe, in the interest of the Society. The Apostle Paul was the special spokesman for the Lord Jesus Christ. As the Watchtower has stated, Timothy and Titus pictured the Society and as the Lord through Paul instructed them so the Lord through the Society directs others. The Society speaks by its official Head. To Timothy Paul said: 'They that sin rebuke before all, that others also may fear.' (1 Tim. 5:20) ....
As I have often stated to some of the brethren, it hurts me far more to administer a rebuke than it does the one who receives it. If I see something in the organization going wrong, as I believe, then I would be unfaithful to the Lord if I did not rebuke such wrongdoer....I have made no discrimination with reference to marriage. When Bonnie Boyd got married that was her business. It was my business to determine whether or not she should remain in the home. I either had to let her husband remain here or else dispense with her services. She had been my secretary for fifteen years and the most efficient one that I have had in the office. She has taken dictation for everything I have written, speeches, magazine articles, Watchtower, books and booklets. It was for me to determine whether she should remain in the office.... If others in this house use filthy language, that is their responsibility. The statement that filthy jokes are told at the table and that the family laughs at these and these only, is a damnable outrage and any man who says that such is the case is a deliberate liar....
Liquor: This charge is vicious. I have always been open and aboveboard about such matters....You denounce me as the 'god of wine', which is the meaning of Bacchus, which is the word you use. You had to go to mythology and not to the Scriptures and find this name for me. Mythology proceeds from the Devil and other wicked spirits. Jesus made wine, the apostle advised that it be taken in moderation and you are welcome to compare their statements to that of the evil spirits, if you wish. If your statement is not of the evil servant then I am not able to understand it....Now I say this to you, Moyle, you have allied yourself with the Devil; you have willingly, without any just cause or excuse even, withdrawn yourself from the Lord's organization, and you are going back to the Devil's organization to engage in the practice of law. I have never known any man to withdraw from the Lord's organization and go into the Devil's organization that ended up right. When you say you want to continue to fight for the Lord, there is not a person in this presence that believes a word of that. Henceforth you shall never represent the Watchtower by my consent. This Resolution has been adopted. I shall follow it. You have served notice to leave September 1. You need not wait but move out of the house this day. If you wish to join the enemy and fight, do so. I have no use for a quitter. I am sure the Lord God has no use for a quitter. You are a quitter".
LOL! Whelp, that's that. Who can argue when the "bretheren" agree? That statement from Rutherford was laughable. They have been using the evil servant slur for a long, LONG time. Law? That's the devil's organization! LOL LOL LOL!