I went to the reddit site supposedly where the rumor started. ANybody know that guy? Unless I see notes, and how they explained it, if it was an hour long, or hear it, it's a troll for the moment.
Is annual meeting F&DS change a troll?
by EndofMysteries 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Well we have the reddit thing and one poster here who says he attended.
Either way it's completely believable because the GB act like they're the F&DS slave and they completely disregard any input from the 11,816 other "anointed ones."
So no one knows a Bethelite to confirm..............call Bethel direct 718-650-5000
I checked the pro J W message board, J W Talk. A moderator there spoke as though he had been present at the meeting, gave details of the items on videos and the next year text etc. This is what he said about the change :
"Now the big stuff. New Light: There were 6 talks by the governing body that lasted for 2 hours. It was a change in understanding of Matthew 24:45-47. The change is our understanding of who the Faithful and Discreet Slave are and when they were appointed. Also who/what are the domestics and belongings. Here is the sum up and of course there will be articles coming out in the Watchtower:
Because of the context of this chapter which is talking about 1914 onward it is not longer felt that the FDS was appointed in 33 CE. So verse 45 mentions the appointment of the FDS and this happened in 1919 after the cleansing of the organization. Who are the FDS?: is "a small group of anointed brothers during Jesus presence serving at Headquarters who are directly involved in the preparing and dispensing of spiritual food." This is in line with the scriptural example of how Jehovah has always used a small group of people to teach and dispense spiritual food to the many. In the 1st century not all of the anointed were involved with dispensing spiritual food, it was only the apostles and older men (governing body) that did so. So it is no longer the thinking that all anointed are part of FDS. Only those directly used to impart spiritual food. And the point was made that this does not mean the individual members of the GB are the FDS. They only act as the FDS when they are working as a collective body and making decisions regarding the dispensing of spiritual food.
Who are the Domestics: All who are fed spiritually whether anointed or of the other sheep. (guess we of the other sheep got a promotion from 'belongings' to Domestics! )
What about verse 46 & 47? It says: 46 Happy is that slave if his master on arriving finds him doing so. 47 Truly I say to YOU, He will appoint him over all his belongings. verse 46 mentions Jesus 'arriving'. This is not in 1919 when he appointed the FDS but when Jesus comes during the Great Tribulation. This is based on the fact that the greek word for'arriving' is similar to those in verse 30 & 42 that mention Jesus'' 'coming'.
So what are the belongings? Previously it was thought that this dealt with the earth only. But the scripture is not that specific. So the belongings include the heavenly and earthly interests. The authority over the belongings will be given after the anointed receive their reward in heaven. So all of the anointed will eventually be given this authority.
I'm sure there are lots of questions about this sum up, but at future WT will explain it in detail."
someone i know told me about the change.
Ineveitable that this was going to happen. So the GB have given themselves godlike status - lol.
If you doubted that they were cult leaders before, well now that doubt has been removed.
JW GoneBad
The WTBTS goes thru more updates, revisions and changes than a baby with the runs (diarrhea) goes thru diapers!