Is annual meeting F&DS change a troll?

by EndofMysteries 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia

    it is not longer felt that the FDS was appointed in 33 CE. So verse 45 mentions the appointment of the FDS and this happened in 1919 after the cleansing of the organization.

    So the apostles were not part of the FDS then.

    Nor Russell.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Credit goes to OODAD for this gem of a find:

    ‘True, but as you well know, the myth taught to the R&F for many decades has been that the collective body of anointed worldwide are the "Faithful and Discreet Slave." As recently as only five years ago they were still teaching that:

    "... all of the anointed ones living on earth at any given time constitute 'the faithful and discreet slave' that Jesus said would provide timely 'food' for his domestics."’ w07 11/1 p. 30 par. 12

  • grumblecakes

    Blondie, can people call bethel directly to ask for the contents of the annual meeting?

    can somebody try it? im too chickens**t...

  • Finkelstein

    How convincingly appropriate for the standing directors of the Watchtower Corporation to be also the FDS.

    Its almost ironically funny.

    The WT organizers were always great at spinning up bullshit through their own self concerning doctrines.

    I suppose if you've got a billion dollars in your hands and 7 million subservient and obedient slaves at your beaconing feet, you'd

    probably would be spinning up stories around yourself as well.

  • rather be in hades
    rather be in hades
    So the apostles were not part of the FDS then.
    Nor Russell.

    very slick of them. that "nullifies" anything anyone says about russell being bat shit crazy at least nullifies that for anyone who has their head stuck up a cult's ass.

    i'm thinking of rubbing this one in for my mom. i haven't talked to her in a couple months...might be nice to raise her blood pressure some for old time's sake

  • Crisis of Conscience
    Crisis of Conscience

    For whatever its worth, I spoke to a Bethelite this weekend about the annual meeting. He brought up the change/"new light" and confirmed what has been said here. I didn't say much in return.

    I don't expect anyone to accept that from me per say. But hopefully I've built up a trustworthy reputation here.


  • konceptual99

    I see they have tried to deflect the obvious point about the F&DS in times past is the change that the examination is yet to come. This on the face of it may seem to make the new light more logical but surely there must be implications for teachings about what other things happened 1914-19 related to the timings of Christ's presence and arrival (distinction noted). It would take some research but this seems a fundamental difference that must have an impact elsewhere.

  • konceptual99

    Actually, re-reading this it seems that I have misunderstood things. They were appointed over domestics in 1919 but will be examined at the GT and appointed over belongings as part of heavenly reward. The vagueness of the "small group" allows for all versions of WT leadership over the past decades.

    Makes perfect sense!

  • Leolaia

    Hmmm, I reread this and it's actually kind of confusing:

    Because of the context of this chapter which is talking about 1914 onward it is not longer felt that the FDS was appointed in 33 CE. So verse 45 mentions the appointment of the FDS and this happened in 1919 after the cleansing of the organization. Who are the FDS?: is "a small group of anointed brothers during Jesus presence serving at Headquarters who are directly involved in the preparing and dispensing of spiritual food." This is in line with the scriptural example of how Jehovah has always used a small group of people to teach and dispense spiritual food to the many. In the 1st century not all of the anointed were involved with dispensing spiritual food, it was only the apostles and older men (governing body) that did so. So it is no longer the thinking that all anointed are part of FDS. Only those directly used to impart spiritual food. And the point was made that this does not mean the individual members of the GB are the FDS. They only act as the FDS when they are working as a collective body and making decisions regarding the dispensing of spiritual food.

    The first part in red rules out apostles as being among the FDS...whereas the second part in blue could be read as implying it though I think that's not what's meant. I think its only drawing a parallel between the relationship of the FDS and the governing body today with situation of the apostles, but its still confusing.

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    The GB forgot one thing. Though the FDS is supposed to be dispensing information @ the proper time, BG doesn't ususally come up with or write the WT articles .....

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