Can they disfellowship my father?
by cookiemaster 31 Replies latest jw experiences
He maybe abusive to animals and your mother because he's destroying his liver do to drinking, this will make a person mean. Maybe the elders can get him to stop drinking. -
He's not mean because of his liver getting destroyed by alcohol. It's just who he is. I know about the laws against animal abuse, but we live in a remote mountain area and I kinda know personally the people that must deal with this sort of thing, and they will not give a crap about a dog. There are must bigger problems to solve, like poaching and stuff. As for me and my mom, I plan to find her a new place to live, as well as for me, after I finish college. -
If what you say is true.... your dad is a coward and an ass. If ever I observed some one hitting any animal with a bat I would do all in my ability to have them arrested,
Weather or not he is a JayDub has nothing to do with anything.
It's good that you plan to find somewhere else for your mum to live. She needs peace and calm, but she might be lonely so stay in touch and visit regularly. But have your own life too once you know she is safe.
Kate xx
R. Jerome Harris
Personally why would anyone care if the WTBTS disfellowships them? No religious organization has the power of life and death over us and they certainly have no authority over us.
The Apostle Paul at 1 Cor 11:3 shows that we have one Head (Lord) over us and that is Christ himself.
But I want YOU to know that the head of every man is the Christ; in turn the head of a woman is the man; in turn the head of the Christ is God.
I would be more concerned about what my Head will do to me. I personally know that my Master Christ is kinder, more tolerant and more forgiving than religious organizations who have made themselves our Lords and Judges.
Listen, The Most High God is clear at Luke 9:35. YOU are to listen to His Son! Do not listen to religious organizations by any name. They can do nothing to you!This is my Son, the one that has been chosen. Listen to him.
And, did Jesus not say at John 14:6:I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.
It is the Watchtower organization that is telling you that it speaks for God through and organization. God and Christ have not told anyone that!
Christ is the way, the truth and the life. The WTBTS is not "the truth" and JWs should not be teaching that they are "in the truth" because no organization can be the truth. Only Christ is.
So align yourselves with Christ and be his disciple (student) not students or disciples of "The Bible" or an organization! That would be idolatry.
Here is a quick test for you: Go to the official JW website and count the number of times "The Bible" is mentioned on the front page as opposed to "Jesus." When you get your tally you will have your answer as to who is more important.
Notice the link at the top of the page as to "Bible Teachings." The Bible is a Teacher? Jesus says that he is our only Teacher at Matthew 23:8-9. So one would think that link should read "Christs Teachings."
See how clever and subtle the WT organization is? The Bible - a book - is being promoted, not Christ himself!And do not become fearful of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul; but rather be in fear of him that can destroy both soul and body in Gehenna. (Matt 10:28)
Do not fear men and their organizations. Fear God! -
Quick update. They haven't disfellowshipped him. They decided to ban him from giving public prayers and provide answers during meetings. But, they have disfellowshipped another guy from the congregation. One of the kindest people I know. Anyway, he's quite in a good mood and not mad at my mother at all. -
"We're in Europe, so there's no guns. Since I grabbed him by the neck, he has chilled out, mostly. He only hit my mother a few times in their marriage, but they argued constantly for the past 20 years or so. What I can't stand is his animal abuse"
Shit... I felt really bad for you until you said that.... I want you to say this ten times in a row "He only hit my mother a few times"
That is completely fucked up. But then again, I do not know your mother!
Abusive parent relationship is bad. I was a friend with JW woman who had violent mother, who was known all over the village for her temper. As a small girl she got beat up by her regularly, and her father succumbed to alcoholism. In one of her mom rage, she took a knife a chased her around the house until neighbors had to intervene. What I have heard she moved out, left KH, and never talked to her parents again. Generally there is tendencies for violence and abuse from a father, but I have heard and seen when mothers could turn into monsters. -
They decided to ban him from giving public prayers and provide answers during meetings. But, they have disfellowshipped another guy from the congregation. One of the kindest people I know. Anyway, he's quite in a good mood and not mad at my mother at all.
He is not mad at you or your Mother right now. This doesn't mean it's over. Anyone that goes after a stray dog, that just wanted a meal, with a base ball bat is mentally disturbed. I am glad though that you have peace in your house tonight,
I can only hope he is given a shake up by an elders visit. They should also be referring him onto AA.