Visited : France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Italy, Greece, Protugal, Iceland, Morrocco Tunisia, Libya, Kenya, Ireland, Albania ( Yucch! ), Russia, Turkey, US ( mainly East and West Coasts - not much in the middle ), Canada, Mexico, Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Cook Islands, Bali, Southern India, Norway, Denmark, Indonesia, Japan, Holland, Finland, Sweden, Malta, Sicily, and Manchester....lol
Countries I have lived in for longer than three months: Italy, France, Australia, Canada, the US ( New York ), Ireland, UK, and India.
Weirdest people I have met : The Danes without a doubt. Too many first cousin marriages for my comfort...lol
Most talented people on earth : The Italians, the Spanish, the French, in that order.
Most pleasent : Maltese and Australians
Most arrogant : The French, but they have a lot to be arrogant about. The Germans. losing two wars has done little to restrain their stratospheric confidence in themselves.
Most interesting - Japan, Mexico.
Best Climbing - French Alps
Worst Climbing - Saskatchewan....lol