Timing of new "faithful & discreet slave class" teaching

by sir82 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • mind blown
    mind blown

    BoC seems like we've kinda been on the same wave length...though it was already pretty whacky......

    Quite a condradiction of the highest order. They insist on holding firm to the FDS as literal (validation forming WTS), but now dismiss it's founder Russel who initially took the FDS as literal in 1881.

    The only way this new light will make sense in honest truth is if they're in the process of revamping 1914-1919 doctrine. (Leolala mentioned...."note two new features here: there is a postponement of the appointment of the F&DS from the first century to 1919, and there is also a postponement of promotion of the F&DS over all Christ's belongings from 1919 to Armageddon").

    On the other hand GB can be only covering their butts (1). growning number of anointed members (2) admit 144ooo as a figurative number (3). Have an excuse for failed prophacies (4) Still hammer away with the overlapping generation. (5) Now have the excuse the FDS as only a theocrartic arrangment (as once stated). (6) Buy more time re GT. (7) Now officially dismiss Russel and his prymid scemes. (8) More GB worship (9) Still get rid of 1914 all together..... they won't even have to come up with cohesive scriptual back up, look how we bought Christ's invisible 1914 reign....

    So does this mean the bible now only applies to the GB? And Jesus is only mediator for the GB? Where both once applied to all anointed......???

  • Phizzy

    The GB are only reactive really, not much that they do has a real eye to the future, so I guess this was firstly motivate by the sudden increase in those claiming to be of the 144,000, and worse, getting vociferous about how the GB should act and how it should change doctrine etc, some of these even having their own website .

    Now, anything they say can be ignored.

    Like the change in the generation doctrine, their is a slight "future proofing" as mentioned above, it gives them a springboard for future changes.

    All of this is with a view to ensuring that these eight men (at the present moment, 8) these men have total control with not one voice of dissent possible.

    Totalitarian is the word for their rule, nonsense is the word for their doctrine, un-christian is the word for their attitude.

  • Aussie Oz
    Aussie Oz

    while we speculate...

    maybe they will up and say its "actually 2014 that is when JC comes to inspect, oops, we were out by 100 years...but at least we are the watchful virgin class who kept the lamps lit"...

    its a numbers game so maybe anything is possible.


  • slimboyfat

    I doubt it. They are just in no hurry, that's all... quietly drop a doctrine in 2009... eventually explain it to everyone else in 2012. Sounds about right to me. Urgency is what they preach to the faithful, not what they practise themselves.

  • slimboyfat

    And don't forget Jack Barr was the guy who actually delivered the talk anouncing the absolutely ludicrous new "overlapping" generation teaching a few years. So the idea that he was some sort of bastion against stupid changes in doctrine does not seem solid from that perspective.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Looking at outlaw's pic I had to wonder...Who is the top GB?

    I was at bethel when loesch got appointed and Heard was my DO at one time. Loesch has some beliefs and Ideals MOST dubs cant get with and herd I'm sorry has token written all over him. Morris came off as an asshat in that sparlock vid which of these morons is 'taking the lead?!?'

  • Will Power
    Will Power

    I posted this on another thread, but....

    Could they also be preparing the flock for the house cleaning they will do after the Conti appeal and the onslaught of more cases become more public. Kick out the evil slaves that had infiltrated their throne - the way they did Ray Franz. Its all set for a few scapegoats - even the prophecy of their presence.

    could this also help them out in the unthank case?

    It's easy to blame dead guys.


  • leaving_quietly

    Maybe to squash these folks? http://anointedjw.org (who, with class and grace, remind their viewers to wait until it is in print, and who feel this is not a real issue because then those who are taking this position are taking sole responsibility before God and are thus solely accountable)

  • Think About It
    Think About It

    This is one crazy cult. How can remaining JW's not see this and wake up? They are constantly changing their beliefs, and all the while claiming the end is at hand. Wouldn't the beliefs have to be in place at least for a few years without changing before the end would come? Any true Christian religion would be more founded in their beliefs. It' just ridiculous that they call themselves the truth and have changed beliefs so much that hardly anything by them when they suppose to have been chosen by God even is believed by them anymore. I've been out since 1995, and so much has changed doctrinally & organizationally that I just can't believe anyone still falls for the Governing Body's crap.


    Those who are still in are scared. Knowing your life could be destroyed by the whims of some DB's is pretty scary. Btw, I am going to a CA soon, I will take good notes and report anything abnormally weird.

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