BoC seems like we've kinda been on the same wave length...though it was already pretty whacky......
Quite a condradiction of the highest order. They insist on holding firm to the FDS as literal (validation forming WTS), but now dismiss it's founder Russel who initially took the FDS as literal in 1881.
The only way this new light will make sense in honest truth is if they're in the process of revamping 1914-1919 doctrine. (Leolala mentioned...."note two new features here: there is a postponement of the appointment of the F&DS from the first century to 1919, and there is also a postponement of promotion of the F&DS over all Christ's belongings from 1919 to Armageddon").
On the other hand GB can be only covering their butts (1). growning number of anointed members (2) admit 144ooo as a figurative number (3). Have an excuse for failed prophacies (4) Still hammer away with the overlapping generation. (5) Now have the excuse the FDS as only a theocrartic arrangment (as once stated). (6) Buy more time re GT. (7) Now officially dismiss Russel and his prymid scemes. (8) More GB worship (9) Still get rid of 1914 all together..... they won't even have to come up with cohesive scriptual back up, look how we bought Christ's invisible 1914 reign....
So does this mean the bible now only applies to the GB? And Jesus is only mediator for the GB? Where both once applied to all anointed......???