This was just on channel 4 in the UK
by Mickey mouse 22 Replies latest jw friends
Good old Rachel - she is a star. We mustn't forget her site, it is where many of us in the UK met up for the first time!
very well produced and presented. glad to see the message getting out there.
Ugh anyone read the comments by apologists?
Christ Alone's the lie that one guy wrote:
Sorry Rachel but your sad experience has clouded your open mind. I am a Witness of 46 years. However my brother is disfellowshipped and my own son does not follow my faith. They are both very much part of my family and it is a total myth to say the "religion" bans such contact. My son actually lives in my house. You also state that you "had" to have an affair. No thought for your partner or your children's hurt. I left for almost 20years and the local congregation never "shunned" me. As for Armaggeddon, only God himself will judge who is worthy whether they are Witnessess or of other faiths.But the Bible does say what kind of people will be saved, and certainly by your experience it was not a particularly enlighhtened congregation. . All religions are made up of people and people are falible some a lot more than others unfortunately. I do wish you well in your choice and hope you have a happy life, and hope you find the peace you are looking for
I know Rachel and the congregation she was in - it was a typical congregation. The apologists have no idea what they are talking about.
She was in a Pompey cong right ?
I can understand why a JW would scoff at her story about pretending to have an affair, after all why not just stop going and tell them you dont want to be a JW anymore, why not DA yourself ? Etc. I dont think any JW's will believe her, but that really doesnt matter.
As I have left, I now appreciate the ignorance of such a mindset and the horrid judgmental attitude of it, I assume that is what she felt she had to do and it is wrong to call someone a liar in order to appease your own fears and demons. But as I said, I am sure JWs will judge her, been as they are known so well for their agape love, even for 'enemies'..NOT..
Can't wait to see the program.
Sorry if I am seeming ignorant or if this will be interpreted as apologist...but something doesn't ring tru here. Why did she feel the need to "pretend" she had an affair to leave the religion? If she was going to be shunned anyway, why not just stop going? Just seems a bit like she felt the need to justify her behaviour. Two wrongs don't make a right and whatever the reasons she acted this way it isn't the religion's fault she decided to exit in that manner. Sorry but I do understand where Mat28 quoted in Christ Alone's post is coming from. If we are too quick to believe every anti-JW allegation without foundation, we risk being just as gullible and foolish as the JWs we accuse of being the same.
Theocratic Sedition
I'm not entirely understanding why she faked an affair? My impression is that there's more dignity in getting DF'd for behavioral reasons than there is in going apostate. I dont mean self dignity either, but rather how active JWs will view you. Active JWs are more hopeful and sympathetic to someone DFd over sexual activity than they are over someone openly disagreeing with the GB's authority or doctrines.
Theocratic Sedition - Thanks. Yes that does make sense. If that's the case I can at least see the reasoning behind it.