More on Punctuation

by compound complex 102 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Verbs in English can be in the indicative, imperative, or subjunctive mood. We use the indicative mood when we state a fact, opinion, or question; most sentences will be in the indicative mood. We use the imperative mood for commands and the subjunctive mood when explicitly referring to an unreal or hypothetical situation or when expressing doubt.

  • GrreatTeacher

    I don't know where I read about hypothetical situations and the subjunctive; likely in some online rabbit hole.

    Thanks for the resource. I'll check it out.


  • Hairtrigger
    Thank you CC. Just messing around while sitting and playing the horses on this windy, overcast S. California afternoon. You and ND are great!!
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Thanks, GrreatTeacher and Hairtigger, for your comments.

    I would've answered sooner, but I tripped on a comma and was hanged by a dangling participle . . .



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hyphens and apostrophes:

    "Mary is now in her mid-60s and fondly remembers her happy youth in the '50s."

    "John is a well-known writer in his community."

    However: "John is a writer and well known in his community."

    "Greg was a high-risk high school student in the 1970s."

    "The inspector made on-site visits to the new housing development."

    "My three brothers-in-law's jointly owned house is spectacular."

    The personal pronouns, yours, his, hers, ours, its, theirs, and whose, do not require an apostrophe; it's, a contraction, means "it is" and who's, likewise, a contraction, means "who is."

    "The toys in the box belong to my brother's friend's cousin." [one brother, one friend]

    "The toys in the box belong to my brothers' friends' cousin." [more than one brother, more than one friend; If there's some ambiguity as to who's who, I'll let you, the reader, sort that out! Oh, well, here I go: My brothers John and Fred have friends named Eric and Bob, whose cousin Gary owns the toys in the box.]



  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Correction, from the thread, "Did You Participate in a Drama?":

    I participated when a Bethelite, late-'60s, early-'70s.

    Profuse apologies for having omitted hyphens in original. Sometimes I'm just not thinking.
  • bsmart
    I love this thread, but dare not participate. I will break every rule!
  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Hyphenating with re:

    I will not recover from his rudeness.

    Mary helped us to re-cover our old couch.

    To no avail, I try to repress old memories.

    Do want me to re-press your shirt since it got wrinkled in the clothes basket?

    You may resent me because I re-sent your unwanted gift to Steve.


  • compound complex
    compound complex

    Kindly note the use of hyphens:

    Those measures include widening the entirety of a mixed two- and four-lane state highway leading away from Oroville and other communities and doing more to improve public-warning systems.

  • Vidiot

    We. Will. Resurrect. This Thread. Regularly.


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